Wednesday, July 5, 2017

pardon me

I love people at the ball park

    I don't intentionally eavesdrop, but sometimes I just can't help it.
    Like Tuesday, a couple of older guys (around my age) were talking about the old days at Wrigley....when the Torco Oil Sign was there, and Budweiser was painted on the roof of a house.  Before video boards and roof top seating, even.
    The one guy had a raspy type voice and he told his friend that he was going to go grab a smoke before the game started.
    He came back a while later and said that in order to smoke, he had to leave the park.  Which meant he could not come back in unless he bought another ticket.
    I figured the guy must really need a smoke because the upper deck is no quick walk to get to.  So this guy went down, could not smoke, and then came back up.
    Eventually he found there is a smoking lounge at Wrigley...I am not sure where... and he did go for a smoke break.
    The couple in front of us, again, close to our age, had some friends sitting on the other side of the stadium.
    For some reason, they felt it necessary to stand up and wave.  And wave.  And wave.  Then she sat down but a few minutes later was up waving again.
    Now she was thin, but you could not see through her.  We said loudly, a couple of times, "Hey, excuse me.  Game going on.  Can't see. Please sit." Or at least we thought of saying it.
    Once they caught their friends' eye, the two in front of us seemed to be much more energetic, dancing between innings, waving.  It was almost like they were performing.
    Young girl in front of me had a name tattooed on her left arm.  Try as I might, I could not read the name.  For some reason that just drove me nuts and I wanted to ask her what it said, but sanity took over and I did not.
    Guy on one side of us had a Nationals shirt but seemed to be rooting for Tampa.
    And a young man in front of us, wearing a a beret and leather coat, watched the whole game with little emotion.  I could not help but wonder how hot he must be and why he was wearing a leather coat in July.  Maybe that was why he was so quiet.
    Going to the park is an amazing experience.  I love it when the people all get along and have fun.
    And sometimes I wonder what people who listen in on our conversations think about me.
    On second thought, maybe I should not wonder about that.  Some things are better left unknown.

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