Sunday, July 2, 2017

a seasonal complaint

I love fruit

   But I also hate it.
   Example:  I have bought cherries from three different stores.  None of them are cherry tasting.  These have all been trucked in from Washington and don't have the real cherry flavor.
   I scour local farmer's markets for Wisconsin or Michigan cherries during July but I never find them.  Maybe this year I will have to drive north to fill up a couple of bags with cherries.
   Same with peaches.  I love the Illinois peaches!  They are juicy and just wonderful to eat.  But if it wasn't for my friend Dianne and her husband who brought me some last year, I would have missed that incredible taste.
   Peaches from Georgia or South Carolina just don't taste the same.  I get it.  They get harvested, processed, shipped, stored, then carted to a could be weeks from tree to me.
   But Illinois, um, um.  From tree to me in a couple of days and the difference is notable.
   I used to get some oranges in January from a grower in Florida.  They were the best I have ever eaten.  But I have not had any for a couple of years, and that will change this year.  The ones in the store just don't have that pizazz that fresh picked has.
   So, help me out.  Where can I get some fresh cherries and fresh Illinois peaches?  I think both will be in prime season during the next month.
   Maybe I should just plan a couple of road trips.  Just don't know where.

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