Thursday, July 6, 2017

tired puppies

I think I will sleep well tonight

   I was one busy old guy today.
   I finally planted the flowers I bought last week, along with some lilies rescued from Emily and John's house.  Now my back wall looks much nicer.  Just have to remember to water them for the next few days.
   I mowed.  I tried to get it done before the sun baked me, but as of now I am only half baked.
   I tried to watch the Cubs, but at 9-1 I gave up and cleaned two bathrooms.
   I also had a melt down about my inability to handle paper and "things", citing the state of the garage, the den, the kitchen nook table, the basement......   I truly believe I have a mental issue, have had it for all of my life, but today it was just overpowering, the hopelessness of it all.
    Example:  I can't find the charger for my new camera.  I did not put it away and now I can't find it.
   I started cleaning the den, but seven hours later it does not look much better.
   After supper I went for a bike ride to clear my head a little.  There is something about pedalling down an empty country road that is peaceful.
   The smell of pine trees, the bugs slapping across your face, the silence broken only by a crow cawing away in a nearby tree. ... put me in a mellow mood.
   I'll tackle the den tomorrow....and maybe I'll even find the battery charger in the process.

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