Saturday, July 22, 2017

an amazing show

We saw "Hamilton" last night

     This is the show that has been getting all the buzz and talk for the past couple of years.
     It opened in Chicago months ago and tickets are as hard to buy as finding hair on the back of a hog.
     So although our tickets were bought in December, they were for July.   You have to plan in advance and be prepared to wait.
     It was worth the wait.
     The music is amazing...even for a guy my age who isn't into rap....   But the performers just blew me away.  The main characters, of course, always get the attention.  But I like to focus on the dancers, the back up singers, the background people...and they were always in character and in sync.
     I have been in plays and lines are always an issue with me.  But watching these performers rap a play and not miss a word or a beat or hesitate or stumble; that was pretty impressive.
     I realize I have used amazing several times, but honestly, that is how I felt.
    The stage has a rotating circle which is used for characters walking and for changing scenes and changing focus.  It worked well.
     I would like to see it again and found I way I maybe can for a little less money.
     Every day they have a digital lottery for 44 tickets at ..... $10 each!  Now tickets for this show can run up to several hundred buckaroos,  depending on where you sit.  So scoring a couple of $10 seats would indeed be awesome.
     Who knows?  Some morning I might wake up, enter the day's drawing, and tell Jackie that I had a date with a guy named Hamilton.
     Stranger things have happened.

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