Sunday, July 30, 2017

holy cow

I have passed the 86,000 mark

     Yowzer!!  86,069 visits to my blog!
     I am always amazed that people read it.
     I know there are some who read it everyday, and some once in a while.  But 86,000 visits?  Wow, I am very humbled.
     I still have some from Russia and I think it is because tdinteh is a Russian site.  I have not gone to it, but maybe I should.  With my luck, it's a site to match up lonely Russian women with lonely Russian men.  Or it could be a site dissing Putin, but I doubt that would last long.
     It would be funny if there was some guy in Russia wondering why Americans are visiting his site, which is a blog some guy started doing as a way to accomplish something.  Maybe he sits around drinking vodka and complaining about people who dump trash on the road or don't use their turn signals.
     My mirror image, only with a thick accent and a limp.
     But I digress.
     Anyway, if I could give 86,089 thanks, I would.
     Everyone will have to settle for one big one.

Thank you!!

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