Wednesday, July 12, 2017

hacky, sacky

You may read about me in the news soon

     This month my little blog has 171 views from ...... Russia!
     More than any other country besides the US!
     My question is always, WHY?
     Are there hackers trying to take over my blog to distribute bad info about Hillary?  Are they after credit card numbers to create massive fraud?  Do they want to know all my friends so they can put us on a list?
     The walls may be listening, my friends.
     For the month, France was second and Switzerland third.  Although in the past week, Poland and Brazil readers have popped up in larger than expected numbers too.  By the way, larger than expected means more than 0.  Who would be interested in this drivel all the way down in Brazil?  I'm surprised people here read it!
     There are supposed to be ads on the page, but I don't check.  I did earn 14 cents last week, and am now up in the four figures for ad revenue.  (Two of those figures are to the right of the decimal point.)  At this rate, when I am 100 I will be able to buy a couple of coffees someplace.
     During the past month there have also been readers from Portugal, Australia and Indonesia.
     So...if you are not from the US or Switzerland, and you are reading this, I beg of you tell me why?
    I am beginning to lose sleep over where my readers come from and why they visit the page?
     Maybe I'll sleep on the whole subject until tomorrow.

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