Monday, July 3, 2017

I wish I knew

There are a lot of things I wish I learned

     I think my life would be easier.  I never understood the for every force there is an equal reaction bit.  If I did, I probably would not have knocked over my tea this morning.
     I had a big rubber band and I snapped it, hitting the mug, which toppled over and get two books and a place mat tea soaked.
     I had the rubber band  because every time I go outside to sit and work on a crossword puzzle, the wind blows up the bottom of the page.  I thought a rubber band would hold the page down at the bottom.  (By the way, this puzzle is on a clipboard, so it is only one or two pages.)  So I was putting the rubber band in place when I got distracted and result, no tea.
     Not planting carrots so close together is another lesson I missed.  I scatter the seeds, but now I have hundreds of carrots coming up.  Problem is, if they are  too close together and they don't get big enough.  So now I have to thin them out to allow them room to grow.
     I wish I learned how to get up in the morning.  I meant to be outside by 9, working on the veggies and the flowers.  I didn't get out until 10:30 and by 12:30 I was getting too hot, so I quit for the day.  If I had gotten up early I would have had all the weeding done.
     I wish I had learned to check my zipper before I go to church and the store.  I might have accidentally given the wrong impression to some people in DeKalb.  Oops.
     And I sometimes wish I had learned just to shut up.  Like when someone asks:  do these pants make my butt look big?  I have not learned not to answer.

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