Thursday, July 20, 2017

desk cleanliness

The desk is clean for the first time in months

     I started yesterday and lost interest, so Jackie finished.
    There is now a surface to write, a place to stack paper, a place for bills.   It looks clean.
     A lot of paper disappeared.  It may have been recycled, or it may have been tossed.  I am not sure.
     I am concerned about the environment.  I try to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
     Paper is a problem.
     When we have a program or handout at Rotary and nobody takes the left overs, I take them home.  I then cut them in half and put a big clip on it and use it for notes at the computer.  Run extras on the printer?  Cut them in half.
     I do that with all paper.
     I have a 3 inch stack of notepaper , 8 inch by 5 1/2, of various colors.  I don't think I will use that much in a lifetime, especially now that I am 133.
     But I won't toss it.
     I got a card from a fellow student that was originally mailed in 1984.  Shades of George Orwell!   I just got it a few weeks ago.
     It was mailed to our old house on Mill Pond, but wasn't forwarded to our new house.  It was returned to the sender, forgotten, found, sent to his mother who filed it away and remembered to give it to me one day.
     And yes, Mike....What a long strange trip it has been.  I love the card!  That won't be tossed.  At least not for a while.
     What I don't love is stepping on something in my bare feet in the middle of the night and hurting the sole of my foot.
     OK, I was in my boxers on the porch at about 2 a.m. taking the hanging plants down.  I stepped on a sharp stone, and it really hurt.
     I bent down to pick it up and ...... it was a cherry pit!
     Hoisted on my own petard!!  Curses!!
     At least it wasn't a peach pit...there are some blessings.
     I guess I  better watch where I spit those pits!

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