Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I'm sorry, I forgot

I seem to be repeating myself

      I keep saying "I'm sorry," a lot.  I also say, "I forgot," a lot.
     A couple of months ago I said I would write some articles for the paper on the VCCT show.  It opens in two weeks.  I forgot.
     I was supposed to send an announcement in  to the paper for the Friday night walk...I forgot.  What if no one shows up because they forgot?  That would be terrible.
     I forgot to bring Jackie her pills after she asked me two.  Double whammy:  I'm sorry.  I forgot.
     When ever I say I'm sorry Chicago John says I don't have to apologize.  Then I say I'm sorry, I won't.
     I was playing solitaire (my quitting the game lasted for about 36 hours.  Back hooked.) when I heard Corki bark.....from outside.  Seems I let her out about 8:30 and at 9:30 she wanted to get back inside.  I'm sorry, I forgot doesn't work well with a dog, but a treat and a vigorous petting frenzy does.
     Jackie won't let me scratch her head and rub her belly, so I have to keep apologizing for forgetting stuff.  Like checking my phone for text messages about things we need at the store.  I always forget to do that.  I'm sorry.
     I almost rear ended a car on hot dog day because I was watching people cook hot dogs.  That warranted a mouthed "I'm sorry," but no I forgot because it wasn't a case of memory indifference as much as nosiness.
     Enough.  No more I'm sorry.  No more I forgot.  No more potato chips.  No more french fries.  No more daily doses of ice cream.  I forgot I am not supposed to eat all that crap and I think I will be sorry.
     I'm sorry for bringing it all up.  Just forget it.  Like me.

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