Tuesday, July 18, 2017

mad as hell

I normally am not violent, but tonight?

    We need to track down some individuals and punish them severely.
    Pour honey over them and bury them near fire ant hills.
    Bury them neck deep in the ground and them put well ventilated fire hydrants over their heads so every dog in the world can lift their legs on them.
    Force them to fly economy and then have the people in front of them tilt their seats back for a 12 hour flight.
    Have them read all of some one's tweets, not mentioning any names.
    Who are the people I want punished?
     Those responsible for bringing in those damn little "picnic" bugs and the ever hungry Japanese beetles.
     The picnic bugs are indestructible.  You can't kill them fast enough.  I was sitting on the deck and they were in my hair!!  Deep in my hair!!  And on my face.  And worst of all, NEAR MY WINE!
     Don't get me started on the Japanese beetles.  They are devouring my garden.  I want to stay organic, but I can't squash them fast enough, or squash enough of them.  They are eating my oak tree, which they are not supposed to like, and when I mow they fly into my face.  They do bite.  Seriously!
     I am willing to put a $10 reward out for anyone who can give me the names of the people responsible.
     I have a jar of honey I would like to give them.

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