Sunday, July 16, 2017

what a night

It was hard to sleep last night

     I tried to look for Northern Lights, but there were too many clouds.  And lightening.
     About 1:30  a.m it was almost a constant, pulsating bright light...but I did not hear much thunder.
     We have a weather radio that has a pretty loud warning tone.  I can hear it throughout the house.
     So when it went off at 1:30, it scared the heck out of us.
     There was a severe thunderstorm north of us, but Rochelle was not in it's path.      So I went back to bed.
     The alarm went off again about 30 minutes later.
     I went to look outside and still saw a lot of lightening to the north and lots of dark clouds but no aurora borealis.
     So I went back to bed.
By now Corki had climbed up into bed with us....I guess her feelings about storms are much like mine.
     Jackie has a watch that gives her weather alerts.
     At some point, one side of the room lit up and I heard the words, "Lightening has been detected in your area."
     No shit....I did not need a weather alert to tell me that.  All I had to do was open my eyes, something which Jackie did not do because the watch alert did not even wake her up.
     I had almost drifted off to sleep when her watch went off again, telling us "Rain has been detected in your area."  Well, telling me actually because she slept through that one also.
     I finally got to sleep and woke up at 9:45.....problem was, I was serving at the 10:30 service in DeKalb.
    "You'll never make it," the doubting sleepy head said.
     But I showered, shaved and hit the road, arriving at church at 10:26.  And I did not speed, because the car ahead of me was going 57 the entire way and every time I had a passing zone, there was traffic.
     I am hoping for a quieter night tonight.  Or at least one that is not as bright as last night.

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