Friday, July 28, 2017

I don't get it

I get sorely confused some days

     Example:  My cruise is set.  I am going a steady speed.  A car passes me, moves in front of me, then slows down.  There are no other cars ahead of him.  I tap the brakes, then move over to the left and pass him.  Why pass someone and then slow down?
     Example:  I have no other cars behind me.  A car passes me on the left, then turns right.  Why not just go behind me and turn?
     Example:  My favorite summer beverage is no longer available.  Really?? It's not even August!
     Example:  Why when I am typing and I accidentally hit the wrong key does typing disappear?  I don't know if I am hitting the up arrow, the shift, or the return because I do type fast.  For a guy.  Not accurate, but fast.
     Example:  I set the alarm for 7.  I wake up at 6:30.  I set the alarm for 8.  I wake up at 7:30.  Why do I always wake up before the damn alarm?  The alarm is supposed to awaken me, not the anticipation!
     Example:  I show up and someone asks me, "Are you here today?"  And I think, I am standing here, what the hell do you think?
     Example:  Why do I have trouble spelling certain words ALL THE TIME!  Accidentally, calendar, and ubiquitous always come out wrong.   And why does learned always get identified as a misspelling on this blog?  Option is learn ed.  Makes no sense.
     Example:  How the hell did we elect that clown?  Enough said.  Apply it to as many people as you want, but it is aimed at the chief clown.  Or clown chief.
     Example:  Why do the Cubs suddenly seem not able to hit?  Last couple of games have made me wonder about hitting with runners in scoring position.  When will the kids stop trying to kill the ball and just make contact?
     Example:  Why do parents give kids names no one can spell?  Just sayin'.
     Example:  It is 11:55.  Parents, do you know where your children are at?  I don't think mine ever did.
     Thanks for letting me vent.
     Good night.

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