Saturday, July 29, 2017

covfeek .

I sometimes even embarrass myself

     Had a great time at the market by Cypress House today.  Of course, I only bought food.
     And then I didn't buy food.
     Here's how the conversation went.
     "I really like your breads.  My daughter likes your breads."
     She said, "Thank you."
     "I really like the sourdough, but you don't have any left.  I guess I won't buy any."
     She said, "The sourdough sold out fast today."
     "I should get some bread for my daughter, she likes your breads.  But I don't know what flavor she likes."
     Yes, I used flavor.  I looked at the two types of breads left.  At that point I should have just shut up and moved on.
     "I don't think she likes these.  So I won't buy any bread."
     She said, "We are here every Saturday, maybe next week."
    "Sorry, but I won't buy any bread today.  Sorry, but I am not buying bread."
     At this point she understood that I was not buying any bread today.
    "So thank you, but I am not buying any bread."
     She started hiding behind her chair.  I must have sounded a little demented.
     Ran into a a friend and one of her daughters.  Promptly asked where her other daughter was, but I used the name of her niece.  She was confused about why I was asking about her niece, who is in high school.
     So now I am demented and a little pervy.
     I walked past two vendors with tomatoes, and tomatoes were on my list of things to buy.  But I did not buy tomatoes.  I bought a coffee cake and some cupcakes.  But not tomatoes.
     Later on I made a second trip into town with the idea of getting tomatoes and plastic tubing.
     But I went two other places and forgot about the tubing and the tomatoes.
     But we did get super sweet corn, which was great with the burgers on the grill.
    Fresh tomato would have been a nice touch.
    Maybe next week.

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