Sunday, May 7, 2017


I see things in life, and wonder why

     I know that does not make sense.
     But why do fans give each other a high five after their team does something good?  The fan had nothing to do with it, and the guy next to him didn't either.
     Why do people honk as soon as the light turns green?  Give us a chance to look both directions so we don't get t-boned.
     Why do they put turn signals in cars?
     Why do people with obvious computer skills put their efforts in scams and hackings instead of working to improve lives?
     Why do I keep thinking the weather will be better tomorrow?
     Why don't I read my camera's owner's manual so I actually know how to fully use the thing.  I can do movies??????
     Why do so many people think their shit doesn't stink?
     Why M C A???
     Ok, you should be singing now......just a little humor.
     Why does my Swiss watch die two months before I go to Switzerland?  Is it just telling me I should go, or does the battery not last as long as it used to?
     Why do I have to get up and do something every time I sit down?
     Why when I ride my bike do I always seem to be riding into the wind?
     Why does my Sunday Trib come early when I get up late and late when I get up early?  Is the carrier watching me?
     Why don't more people go to White Sox games?  They have a good team with lots of interesting players.
     Why does it seem to rain whenever there are meteor showers in our area?
     Why do you people read this?
     Why does a loud car pass my house about 11 each night?  Is it the carrier checking out my sleeping habits?
     Why am I still up?  Oh,'s 4-4 in the twelfth, that's why.
     Go Cubs.

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