Saturday, May 6, 2017

feeling bummed

You are thinking, not another baseball rant

     But it is figuratively killing me watching the Yankees beat up on the Cubs.
     I still love Starlin Castro.  He is playing way better than our second basemen.  Way better.  What bugs me is we traded Castro for Warren of the Yankees.   When Warren underperformed, the Cubs cut ties with him and he went back to the Yankees.
     So, what did we get for Castro?
     We traded a couple of prized minor league players for Chapman.  At the end of the season, Chapman went back to the Yankees.
     I just don't see those as good deals.
     But Chapman was instrumental in getting the Cubs to and through the World Series, so I guess that one is a wash on the plus side.  He was a rent a player.
     On a lighter note, we opened the fountain at the museum today.  Small crowd, but we enjoyed delicious cookies from Sunshine Bakery.  I think tomorrow I will post some pictures.
     Saw several former students at a retirement party.  It is always great to see students living happy, productive lives.  Makes up for the names I see in the police report from time to time.
     This is taking me forever.  Can't seem to hit the right keys.  I keep hitting return for shift and , for .  Then I have to go back and fix stuff.
     Sigh.........I think I need some wine to calm me down, but I don't want to open a bottle this late.
     I'll try meditation instead.

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