Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Is it over?

We had a tornado warning tonight

     I tend to take those seriously.  Have since that April night Emily's house, and most of her neighborhood, were taken apart by one big tornado.
     Now you know Jackie has difficulty walking.
     Here's how it works in the Dickow household.
     Weather alarm screams.  I hear the tornado warning for Ashton-Rochelle message.
Step 1:  Tell Jackie to get down stairs.
Step 2:   Call Emily and tell her
Step 3:   Collect wallet and purse
Step 4:    Grab flashlight and camp light.
Step 5:   Pick up pieces of camp light from ground.  Check to see if it works,                             still.
Step 6:    Tell Jackie to move a little faster to the stairs.
Step 7:    Grab Corki, flashlights, wallet, purse and take all downstairs.
Step 8:     Empty small basement closet of walker
Step 9:    Get Jackie to top of stairs.
Step 10:  Down one step.   Down two steps
Step 11:   Engage in conversation:  Can you sit and scoot.  No.  Why not?  I can't.
Step 12:   Get to landing, begin second flight of stairs.
Step 13:   Engage in conversation.  Are you sure you can't sit and scoot?  No.                             Why not?  I can't.
Step 14:   Help her down when her leg gives out.  She then proceeds to scoot                             down the rest of the stairs.
Step 15:   Put on the downstairs tv to see the last outs of the Cubs game and to                           check weather reports.
Step 16:   Wait and watch weather.
     After 45 minutes, reverse process.
Step 1:    Get to steps.
Step 2:    Have Jackie lift right foot to next stair, then drag left leg up while husband holds on to be sure she does not fall.
Repeat Step 2  15 times.
Last step I:   Reach top, put her to bed, have tea, fold laundry, battle to stay awake even though I am too wired to lay down or go to sleep in the chair.  Well, not quite the last step.
Last step II:  Say a little prayer of thanksgiving for my family, my neighbors, my friends, people I don't know, the weather people, first responders....the list goes on.
     We are safe.  Tonight was scary...anytime you hear the name of your town and the words tornado warning, it has to get the heart pumping a little.
     But...we are safe.  And that is all that matters.
     Now, to bed, perchance to lay and stare at the ceiling for a few hours.

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