Wednesday, May 10, 2017

has it stopped?

I can't believe the rain today!

    Our ditch was full, the back yard had a puddle and the retention pond had a lot of water in it.
    I realized I have to lengthen a gutter in the keeps flooding out my mulch.
    And I have a low spot on the patio, so I may be asking for some help when I pull up the pavers and put some sand down to get the water flowing in the right direction.  Yes, the guys were here about two weeks ago and fixed three low spots....but we must have missed a big one!
    It all reminded me of a time friends were visiting in Russia.
    They hired a private tour guide, Rudolph, if I remember; mainly because they were afraid of getting lost in  Moscow.  They may have even been scouting locations for hotels and meeting with some computer geek types, I don't remember.
    But I digress.
    It was late spring and the weather was pretty cruddy.
    One day they were out on a historical walk, led by a very knowledgeable person, which adds interest and entertainment to the walk, when the weather turned.
    "It's snowing," said Kevin.
    "No, it's sleeting," said Christine.
    The argument got very heated and they both said things they may have regretted.  I think he called her a nasty woman.
    Anyway, after 15 minutes of yelling they turned to their guide and asked him.
    "Rain,"  said the Russian.
    "No!  No!  No!" Kevin argued back.  "It's snow; you can see flakes."
    "Rain," said the Russian.
    "You are one crazy SOB," yelled Kevin.  "It's snow!"
    But Christine took his arm and said "Stop.  He's right."
    "How do you know," sneered Kevin.
    "Because," replied Christine, "Rudolph the red knows rein, deer."
    And you will repeat it later, trust me.

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