Saturday, May 13, 2017

500 miles...500 miles

I remember that folk song from my Old Town days

     When I was a kid, I used to take guitar lessons at the Old Town School of Folk Music.
     At the time it was located in....wait for it ..... Old Town.  It was quite a seedy neighborhood.
     I took lessons down there on two different occasions while in high school.
     My problem was I did not like to practice.  Because I did not practice, I never developed calluses on my finger tips, or the ability to chord correctly, or strum, or play in any way.
    I developed the knack of not finishing things when I was quite young.
    I used to have a paper route.  Every couple of weeks I would take my hard earned money and wander into Dick's Hobby Shop on Ashland Avenue and buy a model car kit.
    I must have bought dozens of them.  And I never finished one.  Eventually I became a bit of a pyro and took to burning the unfinished cars in the back yard, one by one, pretending they had crashed off a mountain or been hit by a train.
     I have four books unfinished on the computer.  Please tell Judy K. I am trying, but can't seem to emulate her persistence.  Or talent.
    You can look around the house and see all the unfinished projects....the half painted ramp, the not quite spaded up garden area, the stacks of pictures waiting to be sorted.  About the only thing I do finish is the occasional bottle of wine.
     I have been doing this blog almost daily for three years.  So that is an accomplishment.
     One thing I have done for the past four years is ride my bike 15 miles in the MS Tour de Farms.  I met a guy the other day who used to ride 75 miles both days and that 4 years ago an 86 year old joined them for the 150 mile ride.  I don't think I will ever be able to do that.
     But I can ride 15 miles.
     And you can help me.  If you have not pledged to the MS ride, please do so.
    You can pledge to me at :

    Type in my name and please make a pledge.  Any amount is appreciated.
    Two of my friends, Carrie and John, are also riding.  You can support them, or me.
    I will finish the ride.  It is one of the few things of which I actually finish.
    We thank you for your support.

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