Tuesday, May 9, 2017

time for stats

I like to update readership numbers from time to time

    I looked tonight and so far this blog, which started in 2014, has over 77,000 visits!
    Oh my gosh, that is a lot, more than I ever expected.
    Of course, I did not figure to still be doing it.
    Anyway, during the last week I saw some puzzling numbers.
    I know most of you live in the good old US of A.
    But in the past week, 86 people from Russia have viewed my blog.  And 29 from Ukraine.
    Now I am wondering....am I the reason Comey was fired?  Are Russians reading my blog and sending secret messages that Comey finally detected?  Was he about ready to blow the whistle and involve me in the crazy hack story?  (My hack story was yesterday, by the way.)
    Am I being spied on by the NSA, CIA, FBI and GSA?  (The last one is Girl Scouts of America.  They may be wondering what happened to all their cookies.)
    It's all very concerning.
    Other countries where people have viewed the page include Switzerland, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and Australia.
    I know, people are not looking for my blog.  Sometimes I mistype the tdinten and get a German website that makes auto parts.  So I am positive my overseas audience is fairly small....like Julia in Switzerland.
     I just want to say thanks to all of you who read this and find some entertainment value.  And thanks for your kind words in the comments.
     So ends another episode, in the life of tdinten.

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