Monday, May 1, 2017

once upon a time

My life is like a fairy tale

   Once upon a time, I had clean floors.  
   Then along came Corki.  Now I have to dust them almost daily because of the dog hairs that seem to appear magically.
   Once upon a time, I could eat a meal in relative calm.  
   Then along came Corki.  It never fails.  I get Jackie her supper and then sit down and there is Corki at the door, wanting to go out.  I get up, let her out, she barks at the invisible creatures coming near her yard and I sit down to eat, only to have her come to the door and bark to come in.  
   Once upon a time, I could eat a warm meal.  
   Then along came Corki.  See above.
   Once upon a time our couch was for people only.
   Then along came Corki.  She takes the middle of the couch, because that is where we put her couch bed to keep hair off the couch.  That is her perch when we are home.
   Once upon a time I had a nice looking yard.
   Then along came Corki.  Now I have patches of grass that get overly fertilized and other areas that are dead because of high nitrogen levels. And walking in the grass is a test of my ability to spot her "gifts" to me.  Now I have outside shoes.
   Once upon a time we had a shelf for stuff in the pantry. 
   Then along came Corki.  Now we have a shelf of dog food, treats, medicine and who knows what else.  Our people stuff has gone elsewhere, and I don't know where I put it or what it was.
   Once upon a time we could sit quietly to read.
   Then along came Corki.  Now sitting in a chair or on the couch is an open invitation for company.  And perish the thought someone doesn't pet her.  She lets us know by nudging us with her nose.
   Once upon a time life was orderly.
   Then along came Corki.  And you know, I wouldn't trade any of the comforts I had before for a life without Corki.
   Sure, we have only had her about a year and a half, but she has brought so much joy and love to our lives, it is hard to imagine life without her.
   I could go on....but she is standing at the door, waiting to go out.  Again.
   And I don't mind at all.

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