Sunday, May 14, 2017

what a day

I hope everyone had a happy Mothers' Day

     For many of us, it is a bittersweet day.
     My mother died in 2001, shortly after the birth of her twin great granddaughters.  We think she held on until they were born.  At 86, she had been experiencing breast cancer for the last 20 years of her life, and it was time for her to let go of the pain she was enduring.
      Jackie's mother died a few years ago after having a massive heart attack.
     We were both lucky to have our moms around for as long as they were.
     Of course, my regret now is not spending more time with mine.  I should have taken the time to visit, take her to lunch, listen to her stories.
     I think that is a pretty common regret in people who have lost a parent.....not spending more time with them.
     I know many of you are missing your moms today.  While it is a day of celebration, it is also, in a sense,  a day of mourning.
    So moms, and moms to be.....I hope you had a great day, a blessed day, a day of happiness.
     I think Jackie had that today.  She talked to Julia and had Emily and John come over with plants for the porch.  We cooked out, talked, laughed, and enjoyed some yummy ice cream cake.
     Those are the days you need to remember, the good times.  The laughter, the smiles, the hugs.  Because the time just passes too quickly.
     Too quickly.
     Goodnight, Mom.

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