Tuesday, May 23, 2017

weirder and weirder

My dreams just keep getting weirder

     Last night I woke up with a start at 1:30, and it wasn't due to an enlarged prostate and a huge cup of tea before bed.
     I have a pack of tickets to the Cubs this year.  My friends John and Dan and I bought 8 packs.  The first game is the first week of June.  I gave Dan his tickets, but I have not seen John, so I still have his.
     My dream?  I take the train in to the city, catch the L to Wrigley and meet John by the Ernie Banks statue to give him his tickets.  But when I look in my pocket, they are gone.....I left them at home!  We can't go to the game!
     The thought of that woke me up and forced me to pee, luckily in that order.
     I also had a non erotic dream about me and Cher going out to dinner.  She was at least 7 feet tall and had those Cleopatra eyes.
     The whole physical size thing freaked me out and woke me up.
     That was at 3.  I figured as long as I am up, take a stroll around the house, check the doors again, look for deer on the lawn, pee, and wander back to bed.
     At 5:30 I woke up because three naked guys were beating me over the head with something hard.  No, not that...but a ruler or board.  I also had a splitting head ache, so I took a couple of ibuprofen and had a glass of water.  I did not have to urinate, so I checked the doors and went back to bed.
     I don't know what woke me up at 7:30.  But honestly, I don't get up much before 8:30, so something had to disturb  my sleep.  Trouble is, I don't have a recollection of that dream, only that it disturbed me enough to wake me.
     I do have some vague image of myself with a brain tumor that was breaking through my skull.....but again, I don't remember much more, only that I was up a lot last night.
     I used to write down my dreams, thinking that someday I'd put them in a book.
     But I read them now and think people would have to be on LSD to make any sense of my ramblings.
     What wasn't a dream was taking Corki for a walk today.  We went down the street because she always takes a dump in a field near us.  My dirty job of the day was collecting a fecal sample for the vet.
     Nothing like waiting for your dog to poop so you can scoop it up and put it in a baggy.
     I though I should put the plastic baggy in a brown bag.  So I grabbed one from our package of brown bags.
     The bag I pulled had a name written on it:  Shelby.  In my hand writing.  It wasn't the first bag, but one from the middle of the pack.
    I have no idea about Shelby.
    But I bet I dream something about him/her tonight.

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