Tuesday, May 30, 2017

it is truly ironic

Most of you know I am borderline hoarder

     I can't throw things out.
     Yes, I do look "normal," but I have a problem.
     I have a huge pile of stuff in the garage that I am saving for a garage sale.  I never have the actual garage sale, I just put stuff in the garage.
     I have a bunch of stuff in the basement for an antique market I may be going to this fall.  Is it valuable?  I think so.  Will it sell?  Who knows.
     When my jeans get shabby looking, they go in my "work clothes" pile.  Do I really neat 8 pairs of work pants?  My god, we have a washing machine!  If I get a pair dirty, I can wash them.
     And the other day I could barely button a pair, either because they have shrunk or I have not.
     Jackie said to toss them....I sucked it in and wore them anyway.  I COULD NOT TUCK MY SHIRT IN THEY WERE SO TIGHT!!  When I got them dirty, I washed them.
     You get the picture of a tortured Terry.
     On my birthday, the girls and John gave me a set of red wine glasses.  Six glasses designed for red wine, my favorite fruit beverage.
     So I went through my glasses and got rid of all the ones, or most of the ones, that I did not feel I would use now that I actually have red wine glasses.
     (For you literalistic types, the glasses are not red...the wine is.)
     I packed the old glasses in a box and carried them out to the garage.
     Jackie had some clothes she was getting rid of and I was to take them to the Hope resale shop in downtown.
     Here's my chance to break the cycle.  Instead of putting the box of glasses in the garage sale mess I took them to the shop.
    I did everything right up until I dropped the box and shattered all but one of the wine glasses!
     I had babied those suckers for three weeks.
     Ironic, isn't it?

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