Thursday, May 4, 2017

waiting for godot, or not

Maybe spring is ready to spring

     I can feel the energy in the air... longer days, sun today.
     So why am I feeling so anxious?
     Hostas to buy and plant.
     Day lilies to move.
     Furniture to put out.
     Why didn't I roll the yard when it was soft and squishy?
     Gardens to clean up.
     Gardens to plant.
     Time to trim.... have not done that for two mowings.
     Mini courses next week... have to get wood and cut wood.  Get wood?   LOL.
    What about mulch????
    Grass is getting long again...should probably cut.
    What the hell were Republicans thinking???
    Will the Cubs start hitting?
    How many people will show up for my history walk?  Too many is not good.  Too few is not good.  Just the right amount 15 or so.
    Why is the car so filthy?  Better clean the interior soon.
    Hope she doesn't fall.
    Why can't I sleep all night?
    Why do I keep saying Delia Derbeyshire,  Delia Derbeyshire,  Delia Derbeyshire?
    Why do I get so many thistles in my plants??
    Will my hands stop cracking, especially around my fingernails?
    Why do I get my hopes up about seeing meteors?
     When am I going to paint the railings?
     What about the steps????
      Who the hell is Godot and why am I waiting??
     Is it morning????

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