Saturday, May 20, 2017

fishy, not

It was Lobster Day at my church today

     This is an annual event, and has been held for 48 or 49 years, depending on who you talk to.
     We sell lobsters live or cooked.
     I generally help at the live table, because I love talking to people I know who get lobsters.  Norma ordered several this year, but her husband came because there were some family pictures being taken.  Big Russ picked up a bunch, including the monster lobster, which traditionally goes with the biggest live order.  Gary came by and picked up some....and I am sure there were Rochelle people that I did not see.
     I try not to do lifting.  I did pick up a couple of boxes, only two, and was pretty careful about not doing anything crazy.
     Most people put on gloves when handling the live ones, but I like the feel of their tough shells.  Sometimes I will get grabbed by a tail, but the claws are always rubber banded together.
     After the live ones are all gone, I help wherever needed, except for bagging.  I don't bag.
Just thought this was funny
     The runners were amazing, as usual.  I don't know if I ever had that much energy.
     Mostly, I visited.  I helped runners when needed, watched the traffic, walked around.....I have the knack of looking busy but not actually working down pretty good.
     We started under the threat of rain, but it turned out to be a beautiful day.
     In fact, everything went off pretty much without a major issue.
     When everything is cleaned up, there is a lobster party at church.  But I bring mine home, pick up some fries, open a bottle of wine and have my own little lobster party on the patio.
    The outcome is I am physically tired tonight.....but also very satisfied.
Now that's a lobster!

Out of the mists....


and after..who needs a plate??

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