Sunday, May 21, 2017

something new

I did some things I had never done today

     I am not bragging, but normally this would have been one of those nagging little things that work on your mind.  You know what I mean.
" you didn't.....(fill in the blank).  You must be some kind of loser or ingrate or idiot."
     That is what my mind says to me whenever a little thing doesn't go the way I want or expect it to go.  Or I leave something undone that I should have done.  Like making the bed.
     But today, I did two things I probably never would have done except for the what the hell attitude I am adopting.
     What great thing did I accomplish?
     Yep, that's right suckers.  I did not make the bed.  Sure, I pulled the coverlet up all the way and covered the pillows, but I never put the pillow cases on.  And I didn't smooth out the sheets and tuck in the sides.
     I'm a freakin' rebel.
     The second thing I did that I never normally do?
     I struck up a conversation with a perfect stranger!
     I was standing at Ollie's, placing an order for my dear wife, nothing for me, thank you.  Well, ok, I brought a quart of thin mint home along with a quart of butter pecan but to my credit, I do not like butter pecan.  I was being nice and I just said, "What the hell.....I'll take a thin mint too, please."
     And I talked to a perfect stranger.  Here is the gist of the conversation.
     Me:  I am so sorry I backed out in front of you at Hyvee.
     Him:  That's ok, I saw you.
     Me:  I didn't even look in your direction, I am really sorry.
     Him: (Laughing)  No really, no problem.  Everything is cool.
     Me:   I looked left....I just forgot to look right.  I do it all the time.
     Him:   That's ok, we're good.
     I almost told him about our neighbor on Mill Pond, the one who I am convinced moved because he and his wife got tired of slamming on the brakes whenever  I backed out of the driveway without looking right, which happened on numerous occasions.
     That's one reason we have a side mounted garage.  Now I can pull forward right into someone's path.
     Sure, I haven't finished my novel, cleaned the basement, organized the pictures or any of about 157 things on my to do list, but at least I am not beating  myself up about the damn bed.

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