Wednesday, May 3, 2017

how's that again?

Sometimes I don't hear well.   Surprised?

     Tonight Jackie asked my how to spell flied.  I said s...l...i...d...e  She said flied, again.  I said slide.  She yelled, "I said flied!   Not slide!"
     I told her to use it in a sentence, she did, and we straightened it out.
    The other day at Rotary a guy came in and we exchange pleasantries.  The conversation went something like this.

Me:  How is your sister?
Him:  She's ok.  They have 4 kids and she helps with the family business.
Me:  Really!  What's the business.
Him:  Turkeys.
Me:  Really!  That's pretty cool.  Where do they do business.
Him:  All over Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana.....all over.
Me:  That's amazing!  I didn't know that.  Are they organic and hormone free?
Him:  Huh?
Me:  The turkeys.  Are they caged or do they roam free?
Him:  Trucking, not turkeys.  They have a trucking business.
Me:   Huh.

   I know hearing aids would be a plus.  But I have talked to so many people who are unhappy with their listening devices.  Too much background noise, especially in a crowd or restaurant.
   So treat me like a two year old, please.  Speak slowly, loudly, and clearly.
   And hopefully I won't confuse turkeys with trucking in the future, or slide and flied.

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