Wednesday, May 24, 2017

lights out

I have a dark confession to make

    I mean dark, as in no lights.
    I was driving down a country road with my brights on.  That way I can see deer, skunk, raccoon, opossum and idiot runners out at  night.
    Anyway, I had my brights on.  A car approached me unexpectedly and I tried to turn off my brights, but instead, I turned off the lights!
    There I am, going 55 down a rural highway without lights!  The other car had already passed me, and I sure he was wondering what the h I was doing out there in the dark.
    I tried turning them on but must have been hitting the wrong button, because they just did not come on.
    I slowed down, composed myself, figured out where the road was, and found the right switch.
    In the mean time, I ran over 3 skunk, 2 opossum and one huge buck.
    Not really.
    It was just one of those moments when you know you did something wrong but can't quite get it right without going into a panic.
     And I left my camera at TC's house.  I set it on a table and said, "I know I will forget this."
     And I did.
     Maybe I should get a job as a psychic.
     Looking into the future, I see a soft bed awaiting........

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