Saturday, May 27, 2017


I harvested compost today

    I have a compost bin in the back yard.  Today I pulled a good foot of healthy soil from the bottom of the bin.
    I notice some things don't decompose easily.  Peanut shells. egg shells and straw seem to stick around.  Styrofoam and plastic don't decompose either, but I knew that.
    I put the stuff in my raised garden, which is still not planted.
    Hopefully tomorrow, if the rains hold off.
    I don't know whether planting before a downpour is a good thing or not.
    I also bought some bags of mushroom compost and manure with peat...or something like that.
    Carried them home in the BMW......very carefully, with a huge tarp on the back floor.
    Now my back and legs are sore and I am very tired.  Not used to doing physical work.
    So....good night, mates!

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