Friday, May 12, 2017


I am now relieved

     I had my first history walk today.
     I had hoped 10-15 people would show, a certain person early on told me not to get my hopes up.
     So I was happy when 35 people came!
     It was almost too many, to be honest.
     Everyone seemed to enjoy the walk and talk.  A big thanks to Wendy who was able to tell us about the Standard Oil station, one of the tour stops.
     I had a second whew moment when I got in my car.  For some reason I walked to the back and looked in the car.
     There was a huge black spider on the back window!  This thing had a body almost the size of a dime.  Tiny white bands wrapped around its legs.
     So I sprayed it, because it was in an area I could not reach.  It staggered out, and I knocked it to the ground and squashed it.
     Now the inside of my back window has all this gunk on it and I have to clean it.
     I know who Julia gets it from!
     If I had been driving and that thing crawled on me, I would have crashed.
    As it was, I had the windows open when something popped me in the head an stung me.  I found a darkish bug on my leg, not moving.  I must not have actually been stung, but the force felt like it.
   (What's the last thing that goes through a bugs mind as it hits a windshield?  His butt!!  ha, ha, ha,......)
    Mini courses done.....first walk done....two bathrooms and the family room cleaned.... been a busy day.

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