Monday, May 29, 2017


It was a beautiful weekend 

     True, it may have sprinkled a little Saturday and Sunday morning, but he rain was  gone by 9 a.m. or so.  And the temps were amazing.  Love this weather.
     Got my new planting area spaded up, weeded most of the  gardens, mowed, trimmed, planted.... all the things I need to get done.
     Sure, it would have been great to get a bike ride or two in, but I do have the rest of the week.
     Except for Wednesday.  And Thursday.  And Friday.
     But, there is tomorrow.
     Corki likes to go sniffing in the back yard.  She is on the trail of something.
She was out for a while and I brought her into the house.  I went back out and found a ground squirrel dead at the foot of the stairs.  She was a little wet, but not chewed on.
     I scooped her up and dug a hole, planting her in the lot next door.
     When Corki came out again she went straight to the spot where the dead critter was.  Then she looked around as if asking, "Where did I put my dead critter?"
     Truthfully, that little ground squirrel has been causing me fits.  She has a couple of holes and I sure hope she did not have little ones hidden away in one of them.
     Time will tell.
     Dogs....natural hunters.

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