Tuesday, May 2, 2017

deja vu....again!

I am in a happy place tonight

   I spent a couple of hours with the Exit 99 crew!!  First time in about 30 years that we have gotten together!
   They have all aged, but I still look young and fit and trim and handsome.
   What is Exit 99??  You asked a good question.
    It began several years ago over some beers with TC, Russ, and me on my breezeway.  We talked about improv comedy.  And we decided to form a group.
But Russ dropped out, so TD and TC recruited Bethie, Carrie and Chris.  But Chris eventually dropped out....leaving just the four of us.
    That was a long time ago.
    We have done improv shows, special events, town festivals, a corporate gig, and had a lot of laughs along the way.
    We added Ross at one time, but he moved.....so the original four are still Exit 99.
    Why did we meet tonight?
    WE HAVE A GIG!!!!
    That's right....Exit 99 is doing a show in Ashton as part of Summerfest activities.
    We will be doing a family show at about 5.  Which is good, because that morning I am riding in the MS Tour de Farms in DeKalb.  Carrie is also riding.  So is my friend John.
    We could use donations.  If you can, go to the MS Tour de Farms website and look for the Jackies Jokers team and pledge to John or Carrie.  I have hit my $300 goal, but they are still looking for pledges.
     So there you have it.
    You can feel good mentally by pledging to the bike ride.
    And you can feel good physically by watching us and laughing like crazy at the four nuts on stage.
    Two ways to feel good!
   We thank you for your support.

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