Wednesday, May 31, 2017

my feet are getting itchy

I need to go somewhere

     Every time a jet goes overhead, I picture myself enroute to some really great destination.
     Instead, I end up in DeKalb.
     Not that DeKalb is a bad place, but it's not France or Switzerland or Vermont or Mackinaw Island or Cuba or any of a dozen other places I wish I was at.
     Pictures on Facebook?  They turn me green with envy with people in Arizona, or Florida, or on some big ship heading east.
     I think it is called wanderlust.
     Next week I go to Chicago twice to watch the Cubs.  That will help, but it's a far cry from sitting on Julia's balcony and watching the lake while sipping wine.
     We have not decided on a time to go this year.  Lots of uncertainty with that.
     Hopefully things will clear up shortly and travel will be something to plan.
     Until then, I'll have to content myself with being a homebody.
    And now, some pictures.

I wish.......

I love my tablecloth from France.  Wish we used it more!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

it is truly ironic

Most of you know I am borderline hoarder

     I can't throw things out.
     Yes, I do look "normal," but I have a problem.
     I have a huge pile of stuff in the garage that I am saving for a garage sale.  I never have the actual garage sale, I just put stuff in the garage.
     I have a bunch of stuff in the basement for an antique market I may be going to this fall.  Is it valuable?  I think so.  Will it sell?  Who knows.
     When my jeans get shabby looking, they go in my "work clothes" pile.  Do I really neat 8 pairs of work pants?  My god, we have a washing machine!  If I get a pair dirty, I can wash them.
     And the other day I could barely button a pair, either because they have shrunk or I have not.
     Jackie said to toss them....I sucked it in and wore them anyway.  I COULD NOT TUCK MY SHIRT IN THEY WERE SO TIGHT!!  When I got them dirty, I washed them.
     You get the picture of a tortured Terry.
     On my birthday, the girls and John gave me a set of red wine glasses.  Six glasses designed for red wine, my favorite fruit beverage.
     So I went through my glasses and got rid of all the ones, or most of the ones, that I did not feel I would use now that I actually have red wine glasses.
     (For you literalistic types, the glasses are not red...the wine is.)
     I packed the old glasses in a box and carried them out to the garage.
     Jackie had some clothes she was getting rid of and I was to take them to the Hope resale shop in downtown.
     Here's my chance to break the cycle.  Instead of putting the box of glasses in the garage sale mess I took them to the shop.
    I did everything right up until I dropped the box and shattered all but one of the wine glasses!
     I had babied those suckers for three weeks.
     Ironic, isn't it?

Monday, May 29, 2017


It was a beautiful weekend 

     True, it may have sprinkled a little Saturday and Sunday morning, but he rain was  gone by 9 a.m. or so.  And the temps were amazing.  Love this weather.
     Got my new planting area spaded up, weeded most of the  gardens, mowed, trimmed, planted.... all the things I need to get done.
     Sure, it would have been great to get a bike ride or two in, but I do have the rest of the week.
     Except for Wednesday.  And Thursday.  And Friday.
     But, there is tomorrow.
     Corki likes to go sniffing in the back yard.  She is on the trail of something.
She was out for a while and I brought her into the house.  I went back out and found a ground squirrel dead at the foot of the stairs.  She was a little wet, but not chewed on.
     I scooped her up and dug a hole, planting her in the lot next door.
     When Corki came out again she went straight to the spot where the dead critter was.  Then she looked around as if asking, "Where did I put my dead critter?"
     Truthfully, that little ground squirrel has been causing me fits.  She has a couple of holes and I sure hope she did not have little ones hidden away in one of them.
     Time will tell.
     Dogs....natural hunters.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


I have a strange Memorial Day memory

     I could not have been more than 7, or 8.  I was pretty young.
     My mother took me to the Memorial Day observance at Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.
     Graceland is a really neat cemetery.  There is a statue by Lorado Taft that is made of copper.  When I was little, the stature scared the living daylights out of me.  The greenish patina, the pose, the general atmosphere was just frightening to a little kid.
     And yes, we went to the cemetery a lot.  My mom's family was buried there.  And it was a quiet, green oasis in the city.  We sometimes went there for picnics...sitting on a little island in a small pond.  Like I said, it was quiet.
     Anyway, this particular Memorial Day we were in the cemetery.  I seem to recall following the parade down Irving and going into the cemetery at the end of the veterans and color guard.
     At some point, someone gave me a little flag to hold.
     At the cemetery, I was standing quietly holding the flag when a man in uniform came up to me and grabbed the flag out of my hand.  He then yelled at me and accused me of taking the flag off the grave of a veteran.
    My mother told him someone gave me the flag, and the man tried to give it back.  But it was too late.  I was too scared to take it.  I don't think he ever apologized either.  After all, I was just a kid.
     If I was the age I think I was, this would have been about 1955 or 56,
Korea had recently ended, and World War II was only over by 10 or so years, so the wounds of this veteran were still pretty raw.
     I always wonder when we will learn, as a human race, that all wars have a price that has to be paid, sooner or later.
     It makes me cringe when I read about people attacking their fellow citizens about their religion or nationality or sexuality because I do believe those veterans died for our rights, our liberties, our freedom to choose what we believe, and how we practice that belief.
     I salute those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect those freedoms we hold most dear.
     And if I could, I would tell that man in the cemetery that it's ok, I think I understand.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


I harvested compost today

    I have a compost bin in the back yard.  Today I pulled a good foot of healthy soil from the bottom of the bin.
    I notice some things don't decompose easily.  Peanut shells. egg shells and straw seem to stick around.  Styrofoam and plastic don't decompose either, but I knew that.
    I put the stuff in my raised garden, which is still not planted.
    Hopefully tomorrow, if the rains hold off.
    I don't know whether planting before a downpour is a good thing or not.
    I also bought some bags of mushroom compost and manure with peat...or something like that.
    Carried them home in the BMW......very carefully, with a huge tarp on the back floor.
    Now my back and legs are sore and I am very tired.  Not used to doing physical work.
    So....good night, mates!

Friday, May 26, 2017

what a drive

I had a horrible commute today

     One part was scary.
     I was on 88 near 47 in the right lane, doing 70.  I noticed two cars catching up to me,  one in the left lane and one in my lane.
     They were both doing better than 70 and the lady in my lane could not safely pull in  front of the person in the left lane.
     I thought she was going to hit me!  She was literally inches off my bumper.
When the left lane car cleared, she pulled out and was inches off that driver's bumper.  She then pulled right in front of me to pass the other car, but a truck was in the right lane and the driver in the left lane sped up to prevent her from passing!
     So she pulled behind the person again and he slowed down so that he was even with the truck, which was doing about 65.
     I decided to slow waaaaay down, because I did not want to get in the middle of crazy people with road rage.
     I don't know what happened to them.  I didn't see any accidents, so they must have figured a way to work it out but they drove like that for a couple of minutes, possibly until the road expands to three lanes.
     Then on Ogden Avenue I had a 10 minute wait because an accident closed one lane in the intersection.
     Now close to being late I was approaching the home stretch when I see a fire truck coming toward me.  So I pull over.  After the fire truck was an ambulance.  And another fire truck.  All with lights flashing.  After the third truck was a hearse and about 50 cars.  It wasn't a fire, but it was a funeral.  I stopped in front of a church.  So did they.  When it was apparent they were not emergency vehicles on a call, the line of pulled over cars, including me, began moving forward.
     And a warm, sunny day draws crowds....which means another traffic back up at an entrance to a popular tourist destination in Brookfield, the same place I was headed.
     It was tough coming home too.  The rain slowed everybody down and I think I averaged something like 35 between Oakbrook and Orchard Road.  A looong commute.
     One thing I did notice.  I was taking a different route to Oakbrook and passed a subdivision called Sherwood Forest was right around the corner from Robin Hood Homes.  Seriously.
     I laughed.
     The drive wasn't too bad though, because I listened to the Beatles channel on Sirrius, and that was pretty darn neat!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

huh.....didn't know that

I used to watch a lot of tv westerns

     Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, Palladin, The Rifleman, Wanted: Dead or Alive, Bonanza, name most of them.
     I know there were future stars in some of them.  The Rifleman always seemed to have an unknown actor in it who went on to star on the big screen.  Burt Reynolds was on Gunsmoke, Clint Eastwood on Rawhide, Steve McQueen in Wanted:  Dead or Alive.
     And of course Maverick...wasn't he James Garner?   I went through a stage where I would buy sarsaparilla, because it was "sarsaparilla with a dash of cherry" whenever Maverick ordered at the bar.
     I remember Bret, Bart and vaguely remember Beau, or Beauregard.  I know it was a small part, not often in the regular show.  I did not know until this week that Beau was played by Sir Roger Moore, who died at age 89 this week.
     He played the English dandy cousin of Bret and Bart.
     He had an amazing career, from cowboy to super spy.
     Of course, I never realized Kitty was a hooker either.  The first season she was always going upstairs with a customer, but they changed her character as the show went on.
      Maybe that explains why she and Matt never married.
     Those were the days, my friend.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

lights out

I have a dark confession to make

    I mean dark, as in no lights.
    I was driving down a country road with my brights on.  That way I can see deer, skunk, raccoon, opossum and idiot runners out at  night.
    Anyway, I had my brights on.  A car approached me unexpectedly and I tried to turn off my brights, but instead, I turned off the lights!
    There I am, going 55 down a rural highway without lights!  The other car had already passed me, and I sure he was wondering what the h I was doing out there in the dark.
    I tried turning them on but must have been hitting the wrong button, because they just did not come on.
    I slowed down, composed myself, figured out where the road was, and found the right switch.
    In the mean time, I ran over 3 skunk, 2 opossum and one huge buck.
    Not really.
    It was just one of those moments when you know you did something wrong but can't quite get it right without going into a panic.
     And I left my camera at TC's house.  I set it on a table and said, "I know I will forget this."
     And I did.
     Maybe I should get a job as a psychic.
     Looking into the future, I see a soft bed awaiting........

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

weirder and weirder

My dreams just keep getting weirder

     Last night I woke up with a start at 1:30, and it wasn't due to an enlarged prostate and a huge cup of tea before bed.
     I have a pack of tickets to the Cubs this year.  My friends John and Dan and I bought 8 packs.  The first game is the first week of June.  I gave Dan his tickets, but I have not seen John, so I still have his.
     My dream?  I take the train in to the city, catch the L to Wrigley and meet John by the Ernie Banks statue to give him his tickets.  But when I look in my pocket, they are gone.....I left them at home!  We can't go to the game!
     The thought of that woke me up and forced me to pee, luckily in that order.
     I also had a non erotic dream about me and Cher going out to dinner.  She was at least 7 feet tall and had those Cleopatra eyes.
     The whole physical size thing freaked me out and woke me up.
     That was at 3.  I figured as long as I am up, take a stroll around the house, check the doors again, look for deer on the lawn, pee, and wander back to bed.
     At 5:30 I woke up because three naked guys were beating me over the head with something hard.  No, not that...but a ruler or board.  I also had a splitting head ache, so I took a couple of ibuprofen and had a glass of water.  I did not have to urinate, so I checked the doors and went back to bed.
     I don't know what woke me up at 7:30.  But honestly, I don't get up much before 8:30, so something had to disturb  my sleep.  Trouble is, I don't have a recollection of that dream, only that it disturbed me enough to wake me.
     I do have some vague image of myself with a brain tumor that was breaking through my skull.....but again, I don't remember much more, only that I was up a lot last night.
     I used to write down my dreams, thinking that someday I'd put them in a book.
     But I read them now and think people would have to be on LSD to make any sense of my ramblings.
     What wasn't a dream was taking Corki for a walk today.  We went down the street because she always takes a dump in a field near us.  My dirty job of the day was collecting a fecal sample for the vet.
     Nothing like waiting for your dog to poop so you can scoop it up and put it in a baggy.
     I though I should put the plastic baggy in a brown bag.  So I grabbed one from our package of brown bags.
     The bag I pulled had a name written on it:  Shelby.  In my hand writing.  It wasn't the first bag, but one from the middle of the pack.
    I have no idea about Shelby.
    But I bet I dream something about him/her tonight.

Monday, May 22, 2017

again, again

I can't be funny tonight

    There is just too much terrible news today.  A terrorist bombing.  Dogs thrown off the roof of a parking garage.  A woman who jumps or is thrown from a car and hit by another car.
    I have to stop reading the news.
    I do get a little frustrated by the bombings.  There will be lots of people who change their profile picture to the British flag in solidarity.  But there are bombings in Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq....and we don't honor those victims in the same way.
    I do agree with the president on one point:  there is too much violence in the world.  It has to stop.
     Maybe tomorrow will bring better news.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

something new

I did some things I had never done today

     I am not bragging, but normally this would have been one of those nagging little things that work on your mind.  You know what I mean.
" you didn't.....(fill in the blank).  You must be some kind of loser or ingrate or idiot."
     That is what my mind says to me whenever a little thing doesn't go the way I want or expect it to go.  Or I leave something undone that I should have done.  Like making the bed.
     But today, I did two things I probably never would have done except for the what the hell attitude I am adopting.
     What great thing did I accomplish?
     Yep, that's right suckers.  I did not make the bed.  Sure, I pulled the coverlet up all the way and covered the pillows, but I never put the pillow cases on.  And I didn't smooth out the sheets and tuck in the sides.
     I'm a freakin' rebel.
     The second thing I did that I never normally do?
     I struck up a conversation with a perfect stranger!
     I was standing at Ollie's, placing an order for my dear wife, nothing for me, thank you.  Well, ok, I brought a quart of thin mint home along with a quart of butter pecan but to my credit, I do not like butter pecan.  I was being nice and I just said, "What the hell.....I'll take a thin mint too, please."
     And I talked to a perfect stranger.  Here is the gist of the conversation.
     Me:  I am so sorry I backed out in front of you at Hyvee.
     Him:  That's ok, I saw you.
     Me:  I didn't even look in your direction, I am really sorry.
     Him: (Laughing)  No really, no problem.  Everything is cool.
     Me:   I looked left....I just forgot to look right.  I do it all the time.
     Him:   That's ok, we're good.
     I almost told him about our neighbor on Mill Pond, the one who I am convinced moved because he and his wife got tired of slamming on the brakes whenever  I backed out of the driveway without looking right, which happened on numerous occasions.
     That's one reason we have a side mounted garage.  Now I can pull forward right into someone's path.
     Sure, I haven't finished my novel, cleaned the basement, organized the pictures or any of about 157 things on my to do list, but at least I am not beating  myself up about the damn bed.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

fishy, not

It was Lobster Day at my church today

     This is an annual event, and has been held for 48 or 49 years, depending on who you talk to.
     We sell lobsters live or cooked.
     I generally help at the live table, because I love talking to people I know who get lobsters.  Norma ordered several this year, but her husband came because there were some family pictures being taken.  Big Russ picked up a bunch, including the monster lobster, which traditionally goes with the biggest live order.  Gary came by and picked up some....and I am sure there were Rochelle people that I did not see.
     I try not to do lifting.  I did pick up a couple of boxes, only two, and was pretty careful about not doing anything crazy.
     Most people put on gloves when handling the live ones, but I like the feel of their tough shells.  Sometimes I will get grabbed by a tail, but the claws are always rubber banded together.
     After the live ones are all gone, I help wherever needed, except for bagging.  I don't bag.
Just thought this was funny
     The runners were amazing, as usual.  I don't know if I ever had that much energy.
     Mostly, I visited.  I helped runners when needed, watched the traffic, walked around.....I have the knack of looking busy but not actually working down pretty good.
     We started under the threat of rain, but it turned out to be a beautiful day.
     In fact, everything went off pretty much without a major issue.
     When everything is cleaned up, there is a lobster party at church.  But I bring mine home, pick up some fries, open a bottle of wine and have my own little lobster party on the patio.
    The outcome is I am physically tired tonight.....but also very satisfied.
Now that's a lobster!

Out of the mists....


and after..who needs a plate??

Friday, May 19, 2017

yesterday, i want to hold your hand

I had a great listening experience today

     As I drove to the zoo, I tuned in the Beatles XM channel, 18.
     And listened to the music I loved when I was still young.
     I heard lots of songs I had never heard before.  Strange, but I thought I knew most of the Fab Four's recordings.  But today I heard more than I imagined.
     They even played studio recordings and live performances of the same songs and they sounded quite different.
    But I also had a negative thought.
     What if I get bored?  I mean the Beatles were great, are great, but so were the Stones.  There is no Rolling Stones channel, yet.
     On the way home I listened to the Cubs and when the rains came, went back to the Beatles and heard music I heard in the morning.  I did not mind.
    The also have Beatles music that other bands covered, like Perry Como singing "I Want to Hold your Hand," and Justin Bieber doing "Revolution."
    Just kidding.
    What also amazed me is I do not know the lyrics.  I thought I did, but today I could hear them clearly in my cocoon pod.
    I am surprised people did not report me as I sang and drove.  Probably looked like a mad man.
   Oh well, that's life.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

rolling, rolling, rolling

I may get arrested

     And yes, it was my fault.
     I was helping Jackie into the car tonight at the library, which is located right across the alley from the police station.
     She stood up, wobbled, and I grabbed her.  But the wheelchair had different ideas.
     As I manipulated her into the car, the chair rolled downhill, gradually picking up speed.
     Then it hit the police car.
     It hit it on the wheel, I an positive no damage was done.
    And I am thankful there are no car alarms on the vehicles, because I am positive it would have gone off.
     I know there are security if I am hauled away in handcuffs and put in the judicial gulag; well, it was nice knowing you.
     I also did a stupid thing driving yesterday.
     I was taking her to a doctor appointment in DeKalb.  I stopped at the stop light at Caron Road and 38.  I was in the left lane, with my turn signal on.
     If a car gets there early enough, it gets  a green turn arrow.  No such luck.
     The light turned green.  The car facing me did not move, even though it had a green.  I assumed it was going straight, so I did not venture out into the intersection because I know you never turn in front of a car.
     A few seconds passed, the van next to me had not moved, the light was green, the car across from me put on a left signal, so I pulled out.
     Halfway through the turn I heard the ambulance, barreling down the road toward me.  I pulled over to the right as fast as I could, and it continued on its way.
     I swear, I had no idea.  I could not see to the right because of the other vehicle.  I didn't hear the siren, maybe because the radio was on but it could not have been too loud because someone complains.
     I am just lucky I did not cause an accident.
     I did learn a lesson....something along the line of look before you leap.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Is it over?

We had a tornado warning tonight

     I tend to take those seriously.  Have since that April night Emily's house, and most of her neighborhood, were taken apart by one big tornado.
     Now you know Jackie has difficulty walking.
     Here's how it works in the Dickow household.
     Weather alarm screams.  I hear the tornado warning for Ashton-Rochelle message.
Step 1:  Tell Jackie to get down stairs.
Step 2:   Call Emily and tell her
Step 3:   Collect wallet and purse
Step 4:    Grab flashlight and camp light.
Step 5:   Pick up pieces of camp light from ground.  Check to see if it works,                             still.
Step 6:    Tell Jackie to move a little faster to the stairs.
Step 7:    Grab Corki, flashlights, wallet, purse and take all downstairs.
Step 8:     Empty small basement closet of walker
Step 9:    Get Jackie to top of stairs.
Step 10:  Down one step.   Down two steps
Step 11:   Engage in conversation:  Can you sit and scoot.  No.  Why not?  I can't.
Step 12:   Get to landing, begin second flight of stairs.
Step 13:   Engage in conversation.  Are you sure you can't sit and scoot?  No.                             Why not?  I can't.
Step 14:   Help her down when her leg gives out.  She then proceeds to scoot                             down the rest of the stairs.
Step 15:   Put on the downstairs tv to see the last outs of the Cubs game and to                           check weather reports.
Step 16:   Wait and watch weather.
     After 45 minutes, reverse process.
Step 1:    Get to steps.
Step 2:    Have Jackie lift right foot to next stair, then drag left leg up while husband holds on to be sure she does not fall.
Repeat Step 2  15 times.
Last step I:   Reach top, put her to bed, have tea, fold laundry, battle to stay awake even though I am too wired to lay down or go to sleep in the chair.  Well, not quite the last step.
Last step II:  Say a little prayer of thanksgiving for my family, my neighbors, my friends, people I don't know, the weather people, first responders....the list goes on.
     We are safe.  Tonight was scary...anytime you hear the name of your town and the words tornado warning, it has to get the heart pumping a little.
     But...we are safe.  And that is all that matters.
     Now, to bed, perchance to lay and stare at the ceiling for a few hours.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

it's almost over

I think my birthday is finally over

     Went out tonight to eat.  Jackie and MK and S were with me.  It was a fun time.
     The food was great and the waiter brought me a sundae to celebrate my birthday!
     I told him it was actually last week, but he said that was ok.
     The herb crusted salmon was very was the ice cream.
     And after a night of savage euchre playing, I finished by watching the Cubs win and put my W flag out for the first time in a long while.
     Feeling good tonight....hope I can sleep well.
     That's it.

Monday, May 15, 2017

mary, mary, quite contrary

I started my wall project today

     No, I am not building one, just decorating one.
     And I am paying for it, not my neighbors.
     But I am a little uncertain.
     Here's why:

      I know the lighting is terrible.  Go figure.  Sunset.  Anyway, I am coming out 24 inches, hand digging the plant zone.  I want to plant flowers that are low maintenance and easy to grow.
     I am thinking near the steps, a grouping of black eyed susan.  Then along the wall, a hosta...daylily....hosta arrangement.  I seem to have plenty of daylilies.

     That hosta/ily combo would be terminated in  a stand of butterfly weed, just about where the bricks meet the concrete.  Then hostas and maybe lilies of the valley to the backside of the house.
     Would that be too much variety?  I thought the butterfly weed would give some color and height.  And the area in front of the concrete painted wall goes out of sunshine about 1, so I wasn't sure about daylilies there.
     If anyone has any thoughts, please share.
    And I will be digging dirt all week, so bring a shovel and stop by!
    In other news.....
    Some pictures from recently.

 Emily and John brought bd presents and creme brulee Saturday.  It was a great dessert!

I think that is a mink chewing on my finger!  Ouch!!

 Help!  Help!!  Big Red is back!!!!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

what a day

I hope everyone had a happy Mothers' Day

     For many of us, it is a bittersweet day.
     My mother died in 2001, shortly after the birth of her twin great granddaughters.  We think she held on until they were born.  At 86, she had been experiencing breast cancer for the last 20 years of her life, and it was time for her to let go of the pain she was enduring.
      Jackie's mother died a few years ago after having a massive heart attack.
     We were both lucky to have our moms around for as long as they were.
     Of course, my regret now is not spending more time with mine.  I should have taken the time to visit, take her to lunch, listen to her stories.
     I think that is a pretty common regret in people who have lost a parent.....not spending more time with them.
     I know many of you are missing your moms today.  While it is a day of celebration, it is also, in a sense,  a day of mourning.
    So moms, and moms to be.....I hope you had a great day, a blessed day, a day of happiness.
     I think Jackie had that today.  She talked to Julia and had Emily and John come over with plants for the porch.  We cooked out, talked, laughed, and enjoyed some yummy ice cream cake.
     Those are the days you need to remember, the good times.  The laughter, the smiles, the hugs.  Because the time just passes too quickly.
     Too quickly.
     Goodnight, Mom.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

500 miles...500 miles

I remember that folk song from my Old Town days

     When I was a kid, I used to take guitar lessons at the Old Town School of Folk Music.
     At the time it was located in....wait for it ..... Old Town.  It was quite a seedy neighborhood.
     I took lessons down there on two different occasions while in high school.
     My problem was I did not like to practice.  Because I did not practice, I never developed calluses on my finger tips, or the ability to chord correctly, or strum, or play in any way.
    I developed the knack of not finishing things when I was quite young.
    I used to have a paper route.  Every couple of weeks I would take my hard earned money and wander into Dick's Hobby Shop on Ashland Avenue and buy a model car kit.
    I must have bought dozens of them.  And I never finished one.  Eventually I became a bit of a pyro and took to burning the unfinished cars in the back yard, one by one, pretending they had crashed off a mountain or been hit by a train.
     I have four books unfinished on the computer.  Please tell Judy K. I am trying, but can't seem to emulate her persistence.  Or talent.
    You can look around the house and see all the unfinished projects....the half painted ramp, the not quite spaded up garden area, the stacks of pictures waiting to be sorted.  About the only thing I do finish is the occasional bottle of wine.
     I have been doing this blog almost daily for three years.  So that is an accomplishment.
     One thing I have done for the past four years is ride my bike 15 miles in the MS Tour de Farms.  I met a guy the other day who used to ride 75 miles both days and that 4 years ago an 86 year old joined them for the 150 mile ride.  I don't think I will ever be able to do that.
     But I can ride 15 miles.
     And you can help me.  If you have not pledged to the MS ride, please do so.
    You can pledge to me at :

    Type in my name and please make a pledge.  Any amount is appreciated.
    Two of my friends, Carrie and John, are also riding.  You can support them, or me.
    I will finish the ride.  It is one of the few things of which I actually finish.
    We thank you for your support.

Friday, May 12, 2017


I am now relieved

     I had my first history walk today.
     I had hoped 10-15 people would show, a certain person early on told me not to get my hopes up.
     So I was happy when 35 people came!
     It was almost too many, to be honest.
     Everyone seemed to enjoy the walk and talk.  A big thanks to Wendy who was able to tell us about the Standard Oil station, one of the tour stops.
     I had a second whew moment when I got in my car.  For some reason I walked to the back and looked in the car.
     There was a huge black spider on the back window!  This thing had a body almost the size of a dime.  Tiny white bands wrapped around its legs.
     So I sprayed it, because it was in an area I could not reach.  It staggered out, and I knocked it to the ground and squashed it.
     Now the inside of my back window has all this gunk on it and I have to clean it.
     I know who Julia gets it from!
     If I had been driving and that thing crawled on me, I would have crashed.
    As it was, I had the windows open when something popped me in the head an stung me.  I found a darkish bug on my leg, not moving.  I must not have actually been stung, but the force felt like it.
   (What's the last thing that goes through a bugs mind as it hits a windshield?  His butt!!  ha, ha, ha,......)
    Mini courses done.....first walk done....two bathrooms and the family room cleaned.... been a busy day.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

how old am I?

Today was my birthday

     I turned 69. So tomorrow, am I really 70?  I mean our first birthday was on the anniversary of our birth, which is means it was at the end of our first year.
    It's like  a ruler.  I just went past the one inch mark, which means I am more than an inch!  I am done with 69 years and starting 70.
    Either way, I am old.
    I think of all the major events in my life and it is truly amazing.
    I lived through the Bowling Green Massacre.  I don't remember when it was, but I must not have been there.
    The Cubs won the World series in 08 and again in 16.
    I lived through the coldest winters in 100 years in 52, 76, 83, 92, 93 and almost every year since.
    I didn't see the Beatles in concert, not once, but several times.
    I saw computers go from the size of a room to the size of a wrist watch.  Never once did I learn how to operate them.  Any of them.  Basics.  That's all I know.  This Apple  is just a word processor, a telephone party line and a lot of decks of cards, just on a screen.
    I became less concerned with MPG and more with MPC.  That's miles per cup, because as the prostate grows, the distance travelled has an inverse relationship to the amount of water drunk.  I wrote this and even I don't understand it!
    I've seen people rise way past their incompetence level.
    I've learned from very knowledgeable people that the earth is indeed flat; man never landed on the moon; the Abominable Snowman is real; aliens are being held in a secret desert location called Area 51; climate change is not a problem unless you live near an ocean or depend on food grown by farmers; Elvis is alive and working as a Walmart greeter in Altoona, PA; as well as a whole lot of other stuff I can't remember.
    And that's that.
    Thank you for all the birthday wishes and thoughts.
    I truly value all of you, your friendships, the caring you show to Jackie and me as well as Julia, Emily and John.... much more than I can put into words.
   Thank you for being there for me.  You really don't know how much it means.
   Goodnight, and God bless.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

has it stopped?

I can't believe the rain today!

    Our ditch was full, the back yard had a puddle and the retention pond had a lot of water in it.
    I realized I have to lengthen a gutter in the keeps flooding out my mulch.
    And I have a low spot on the patio, so I may be asking for some help when I pull up the pavers and put some sand down to get the water flowing in the right direction.  Yes, the guys were here about two weeks ago and fixed three low spots....but we must have missed a big one!
    It all reminded me of a time friends were visiting in Russia.
    They hired a private tour guide, Rudolph, if I remember; mainly because they were afraid of getting lost in  Moscow.  They may have even been scouting locations for hotels and meeting with some computer geek types, I don't remember.
    But I digress.
    It was late spring and the weather was pretty cruddy.
    One day they were out on a historical walk, led by a very knowledgeable person, which adds interest and entertainment to the walk, when the weather turned.
    "It's snowing," said Kevin.
    "No, it's sleeting," said Christine.
    The argument got very heated and they both said things they may have regretted.  I think he called her a nasty woman.
    Anyway, after 15 minutes of yelling they turned to their guide and asked him.
    "Rain,"  said the Russian.
    "No!  No!  No!" Kevin argued back.  "It's snow; you can see flakes."
    "Rain," said the Russian.
    "You are one crazy SOB," yelled Kevin.  "It's snow!"
    But Christine took his arm and said "Stop.  He's right."
    "How do you know," sneered Kevin.
    "Because," replied Christine, "Rudolph the red knows rein, deer."
    And you will repeat it later, trust me.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

time for stats

I like to update readership numbers from time to time

    I looked tonight and so far this blog, which started in 2014, has over 77,000 visits!
    Oh my gosh, that is a lot, more than I ever expected.
    Of course, I did not figure to still be doing it.
    Anyway, during the last week I saw some puzzling numbers.
    I know most of you live in the good old US of A.
    But in the past week, 86 people from Russia have viewed my blog.  And 29 from Ukraine.
    Now I am I the reason Comey was fired?  Are Russians reading my blog and sending secret messages that Comey finally detected?  Was he about ready to blow the whistle and involve me in the crazy hack story?  (My hack story was yesterday, by the way.)
    Am I being spied on by the NSA, CIA, FBI and GSA?  (The last one is Girl Scouts of America.  They may be wondering what happened to all their cookies.)
    It's all very concerning.
    Other countries where people have viewed the page include Switzerland, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and Australia.
    I know, people are not looking for my blog.  Sometimes I mistype the tdinten and get a German website that makes auto parts.  So I am positive my overseas audience is fairly Julia in Switzerland.
     I just want to say thanks to all of you who read this and find some entertainment value.  And thanks for your kind words in the comments.
     So ends another episode, in the life of tdinten.

Monday, May 8, 2017


I see a lot of people have been hacked on Facebook

     Jackie and I have received lots of friend requests lately, people who we thought were already friends.
     So we have not accepted any unless we have verified the request.
     I changed my password, just to be safe.  But honestly, I don't get how changing my FB password prevents my being hacked.
     And honestly, I don't get the word hacked.
     In high school, when we played basketball in gym class. guys were always yelling, "Dickow hacked me, again."
     That wasn't good.  In fact, basketball in gym was the only time I ever got into a fight!  Well, it wasn't much of a fight.  I elbowed a guy and he punched me in the jaw.  That was it.  Hurt like hell.
     But I digress.
     Now I read about life hacks....things you do to make life easier.  Just call them helpful hints and make life easier for all of us.
     A hack used to be a writer who was past his prime and no longer creative, but cranked out copy anyway.
     A hack used to be a cab.  Don't know if it was spelled the same way.
     And don't forget the hack attached to a saw....the hacksaw.
     I had a brother who used to get hacked off when I did something stupid, which was and is often.
     You've all heard the guy hacking away in the back of the movie theater.
     And in journalism we were taught to avoid the hackneyed phrase.
     So many hacks in life.    Now maybe you see why I get a little confused when people get hacked.
     I am not sure exactly what happens.  I just know that 1234 is not my password anymore.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


I see things in life, and wonder why

     I know that does not make sense.
     But why do fans give each other a high five after their team does something good?  The fan had nothing to do with it, and the guy next to him didn't either.
     Why do people honk as soon as the light turns green?  Give us a chance to look both directions so we don't get t-boned.
     Why do they put turn signals in cars?
     Why do people with obvious computer skills put their efforts in scams and hackings instead of working to improve lives?
     Why do I keep thinking the weather will be better tomorrow?
     Why don't I read my camera's owner's manual so I actually know how to fully use the thing.  I can do movies??????
     Why do so many people think their shit doesn't stink?
     Why M C A???
     Ok, you should be singing now......just a little humor.
     Why does my Swiss watch die two months before I go to Switzerland?  Is it just telling me I should go, or does the battery not last as long as it used to?
     Why do I have to get up and do something every time I sit down?
     Why when I ride my bike do I always seem to be riding into the wind?
     Why does my Sunday Trib come early when I get up late and late when I get up early?  Is the carrier watching me?
     Why don't more people go to White Sox games?  They have a good team with lots of interesting players.
     Why does it seem to rain whenever there are meteor showers in our area?
     Why do you people read this?
     Why does a loud car pass my house about 11 each night?  Is it the carrier checking out my sleeping habits?
     Why am I still up?  Oh,'s 4-4 in the twelfth, that's why.
     Go Cubs.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

feeling bummed

You are thinking, not another baseball rant

     But it is figuratively killing me watching the Yankees beat up on the Cubs.
     I still love Starlin Castro.  He is playing way better than our second basemen.  Way better.  What bugs me is we traded Castro for Warren of the Yankees.   When Warren underperformed, the Cubs cut ties with him and he went back to the Yankees.
     So, what did we get for Castro?
     We traded a couple of prized minor league players for Chapman.  At the end of the season, Chapman went back to the Yankees.
     I just don't see those as good deals.
     But Chapman was instrumental in getting the Cubs to and through the World Series, so I guess that one is a wash on the plus side.  He was a rent a player.
     On a lighter note, we opened the fountain at the museum today.  Small crowd, but we enjoyed delicious cookies from Sunshine Bakery.  I think tomorrow I will post some pictures.
     Saw several former students at a retirement party.  It is always great to see students living happy, productive lives.  Makes up for the names I see in the police report from time to time.
     This is taking me forever.  Can't seem to hit the right keys.  I keep hitting return for shift and , for .  Then I have to go back and fix stuff.
     Sigh.........I think I need some wine to calm me down, but I don't want to open a bottle this late.
     I'll try meditation instead.

Friday, May 5, 2017

RIP my friend

I lost a memory today

    For years, I had wanted to go to the Renaissance Faire in Bristol Wisconsin.
But despite the fair running my entire lifetime, I didn't make it until I was 65.
    Emily, John and Camryn took me and it was a blast.
    Weird people in costumes, many of them visitors.
    Seeing my friend Terry on stilts, towering over the crowd, was pretty cool.  I had a turkey leg, and that picture stayed as my Facebook profile for longer than it should have.  I think DZ and Bob went with that year.
    And I bought a mug.
    Not just a mug, but a huge, hand tossed, glazed, with a Druid symbol.  At least I think it was a Druid symbol.  I used to know.  But I used to know a lot of things.  I think that is not what they mean by brain drain.
    But I digress.
    My nightly decaf tea mug.  My morning hot tea mug.  My afternoon tea mug.  My favorite mug.
    Tonight I was emptying the dishwasher, which I have done hundreds of times.
     I put away the plates, the bowls, the glasses, then the mugs.
     OK, Jackie thinks I am weird.   Our plates have two colors in their patterns, red and blue.  I stack them red, blue.  The big plates.  The small plates.  The bowls.  Although sometimes the bowls get stacked blue, red.  Never two colors together, unless I am short a dish.
    And I load the dishwasher that way.  Red plate, blue plate.  All bowls are on the top rack.  All small glasses go together.  All big glasses go together.  All cups are at the back of the dishwasher, unless it is really full and I have had a lot of tea.
     You get the picture.
     I see you rolling your eyes.  I do it that way for the same reason I check doors twice at night.  And open the garage door and look in the garage.  And why I ended up taking 10 minutes of my lunch break today to walk to my car to be sure I did not leave the keys and cell phone in it because I could not remember if I put them in my coat pocket and put my coat in a locker in the basement at the zoo and I was worried I left the keys and phone on the front seat where anyone could steal it and the car.  But they were in my coat pocket.
     But I digress.
     Anyway, I was taking out the cups and......

     It slipped out of my hand and hit the floor.
     I am depressed.  But I am also happy because in a little over two months, I can go back and buy another mug.
    Silver linings....silver linings.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

waiting for godot, or not

Maybe spring is ready to spring

     I can feel the energy in the air... longer days, sun today.
     So why am I feeling so anxious?
     Hostas to buy and plant.
     Day lilies to move.
     Furniture to put out.
     Why didn't I roll the yard when it was soft and squishy?
     Gardens to clean up.
     Gardens to plant.
     Time to trim.... have not done that for two mowings.
     Mini courses next week... have to get wood and cut wood.  Get wood?   LOL.
    What about mulch????
    Grass is getting long again...should probably cut.
    What the hell were Republicans thinking???
    Will the Cubs start hitting?
    How many people will show up for my history walk?  Too many is not good.  Too few is not good.  Just the right amount 15 or so.
    Why is the car so filthy?  Better clean the interior soon.
    Hope she doesn't fall.
    Why can't I sleep all night?
    Why do I keep saying Delia Derbeyshire,  Delia Derbeyshire,  Delia Derbeyshire?
    Why do I get so many thistles in my plants??
    Will my hands stop cracking, especially around my fingernails?
    Why do I get my hopes up about seeing meteors?
     When am I going to paint the railings?
     What about the steps????
      Who the hell is Godot and why am I waiting??
     Is it morning????

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

how's that again?

Sometimes I don't hear well.   Surprised?

     Tonight Jackie asked my how to spell flied.  I said s...l...i...d...e  She said flied, again.  I said slide.  She yelled, "I said flied!   Not slide!"
     I told her to use it in a sentence, she did, and we straightened it out.
    The other day at Rotary a guy came in and we exchange pleasantries.  The conversation went something like this.

Me:  How is your sister?
Him:  She's ok.  They have 4 kids and she helps with the family business.
Me:  Really!  What's the business.
Him:  Turkeys.
Me:  Really!  That's pretty cool.  Where do they do business.
Him:  All over Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana.....all over.
Me:  That's amazing!  I didn't know that.  Are they organic and hormone free?
Him:  Huh?
Me:  The turkeys.  Are they caged or do they roam free?
Him:  Trucking, not turkeys.  They have a trucking business.
Me:   Huh.

   I know hearing aids would be a plus.  But I have talked to so many people who are unhappy with their listening devices.  Too much background noise, especially in a crowd or restaurant.
   So treat me like a two year old, please.  Speak slowly, loudly, and clearly.
   And hopefully I won't confuse turkeys with trucking in the future, or slide and flied.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

deja vu....again!

I am in a happy place tonight

   I spent a couple of hours with the Exit 99 crew!!  First time in about 30 years that we have gotten together!
   They have all aged, but I still look young and fit and trim and handsome.
   What is Exit 99??  You asked a good question.
    It began several years ago over some beers with TC, Russ, and me on my breezeway.  We talked about improv comedy.  And we decided to form a group.
But Russ dropped out, so TD and TC recruited Bethie, Carrie and Chris.  But Chris eventually dropped out....leaving just the four of us.
    That was a long time ago.
    We have done improv shows, special events, town festivals, a corporate gig, and had a lot of laughs along the way.
    We added Ross at one time, but he the original four are still Exit 99.
    Why did we meet tonight?
    WE HAVE A GIG!!!!
    That's right....Exit 99 is doing a show in Ashton as part of Summerfest activities.
    We will be doing a family show at about 5.  Which is good, because that morning I am riding in the MS Tour de Farms in DeKalb.  Carrie is also riding.  So is my friend John.
    We could use donations.  If you can, go to the MS Tour de Farms website and look for the Jackies Jokers team and pledge to John or Carrie.  I have hit my $300 goal, but they are still looking for pledges.
     So there you have it.
    You can feel good mentally by pledging to the bike ride.
    And you can feel good physically by watching us and laughing like crazy at the four nuts on stage.
    Two ways to feel good!
   We thank you for your support.

Monday, May 1, 2017

once upon a time

My life is like a fairy tale

   Once upon a time, I had clean floors.  
   Then along came Corki.  Now I have to dust them almost daily because of the dog hairs that seem to appear magically.
   Once upon a time, I could eat a meal in relative calm.  
   Then along came Corki.  It never fails.  I get Jackie her supper and then sit down and there is Corki at the door, wanting to go out.  I get up, let her out, she barks at the invisible creatures coming near her yard and I sit down to eat, only to have her come to the door and bark to come in.  
   Once upon a time, I could eat a warm meal.  
   Then along came Corki.  See above.
   Once upon a time our couch was for people only.
   Then along came Corki.  She takes the middle of the couch, because that is where we put her couch bed to keep hair off the couch.  That is her perch when we are home.
   Once upon a time I had a nice looking yard.
   Then along came Corki.  Now I have patches of grass that get overly fertilized and other areas that are dead because of high nitrogen levels. And walking in the grass is a test of my ability to spot her "gifts" to me.  Now I have outside shoes.
   Once upon a time we had a shelf for stuff in the pantry. 
   Then along came Corki.  Now we have a shelf of dog food, treats, medicine and who knows what else.  Our people stuff has gone elsewhere, and I don't know where I put it or what it was.
   Once upon a time we could sit quietly to read.
   Then along came Corki.  Now sitting in a chair or on the couch is an open invitation for company.  And perish the thought someone doesn't pet her.  She lets us know by nudging us with her nose.
   Once upon a time life was orderly.
   Then along came Corki.  And you know, I wouldn't trade any of the comforts I had before for a life without Corki.
   Sure, we have only had her about a year and a half, but she has brought so much joy and love to our lives, it is hard to imagine life without her.
   I could go on....but she is standing at the door, waiting to go out.  Again.
   And I don't mind at all.