Tuesday, May 31, 2016

oh geez

The great garage clean up has begun

     Someone suggested I clean the garage before the Big Event.  She said it would be nice to actually walk through our garage to the house.
     So it begins.
     I won't throw Julia's stuff out.  She has Nestle memorabilia, pictures, some Disney cells and a variety of Mickey related items.
      I did put all her kitchen kitsch in a box for next fall.
     I threw out some things......dog coats of Emily's that were full of debris........ and created an electronics pile of other items, like Christmas lights, cords, wires, etc.
      I have a problem parting with things.
     I can't just throw it out, because that goes against my belief that everything needs to be reused, or recycled.
     The problem is, getting all the electronic stuff to a recycling center that takes electronic stuff.
     But I am working on it.
     The neighborhood is having a garage sale this weekend.  If I can get the garage cleaned out, I might take part.  That's kind of iffy.......
     But I do have a huge pile of garage sale stuff......
     Why am I ending sentences like this.......?
     In a perfect world, the planets would line up and I would get the electronics to a center, have a garage sale, sweep the garage and live a long and useless life.
     Every journey begins with the first step. and tonight I took one small step in getting the garage back to normal.
     A very small step.
     Peace dudes......
     And don't forget to donate to Bike MS!!  You can go to the Jackies Jokers team page and donate to either Rev. Stacy or me......we would appreciate it!

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