Tuesday, May 3, 2016

cheap?? not me!

I don't think I am too cheap

    Sure, I don't spend over $20 on a bottle of wine....well, actually I have, but that is another story.
     I buy name brands.  Yes, I look for bargains, but who doesn't?
     And I enjoy the senior discount.
    But I don't think I am cheap.
    Let's say I am economical.
     I don't like buying things I don't need.  I don't like tossing things that still work.
     Which explains why I am still wearing a shirt that I had six years ago.  And it is one of my favorite shirts.
     Facebook posted a memory photo from when Emily and I went to see Craig Ferguson at the Chicago Theater.  We went out to eat at the Elephant and something, a British themed restaurant downtown.
     Elephant and the Tower?  Does that sound right?  Doesn't matter.
     I went out to work on the gigantic mulch pile today.  I swear, there is more there today then there was yesterday!  It's growing, like a giant blob.  I can't spread it fast enough.
     Anyway, I put on a work shirt.
     Well, here it is.

     Yes, there is a giant paint splat on it because it is now a yard/work shirt.  But other than the splat, it looks pretty darn good.  (And Beth, it  fits!!)
      I bought this shirt at a Native American cultural center in Haines, Alaska.  I wanted to buy a totem pole, but they were pretty expensive.  So I bought the shirt, thinking I would wear it to school during our lessons on Native Americans of the Northwest and Alaska.  Great example of carvings on a totem pole.
     Jackie and I went to Alaska in............. 1994.
     Go ahead, do the math.
     22 years ago.
     My shirt is 22 years old.
     I challenge anyone to show me a picture of themselves wearing an older piece of clothing that is not a wedding dress. Wearing it....not saving it.
     Cheap......Ha!  You don't know cheap!

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