Wednesday, May 18, 2016

that was good!!

I met a celebrity today

    If you are a Cubs fan, and you have to watch the Rockford channels, you have probably seen the ads for Mr. C's Restaurant.
     You know, the place just down the street from Farm and Fleet.
     The place where the owner sells a hamburger as big as his head.
     Well, Jackie, Dan, Linda and I went there to eat today.  While Johnny was not  there, one of the people telephoned  him and he came over just to see us!  Well, and to pay the guy who repaired his garage door.
     In his ad he says he has the best chicken in Rockford.  He could be right, it is very, very good.  And the price is reasonable.....$5.99 for a two piece dinner that includes a pound (yes, a pound) of mashed potatoes and gravy, garlic toast,  and slaw.
      Why did we go there?
     Because he is an enthusiastic Cubs fan.
     In his commercials he spends most of the time chanting "Go Cubs. Go"  and "This is the year."
     He is quite the animated guy on tv.  He seems the same in person.
     He showed us his newest commercial, which will air during a Gidget weekend on Antenna TV, Channel 358 on your Comcast cable line up.
     Would I go back?
     In a heartbeat.
     It wasn't just the food, but I liked the feel of the place.
     It was not modern, but it was clean.  The wait staff was by every couple of minutes, refilling coffee or soft drink orders.  Jackie ordered a sweet tea, but it was too sweet, so she ordered a regular iced tea.  I drank the sweet tea....and the waitress didn't charge us for the extra drink!
     The clientele was a snapshot of America.  Old folks, a motorcycle guy and his girl, some youngish men in ties, single people by themselves, couples.  Every race was represented, and everyone was treated like an old friend.
     It was a nice lunch:  Visiting with Dan and Linda, eating good chicken, and knowing this IS the year!

Mr.  C  and me

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