Monday, May 16, 2016

blah blah blah

I became the boring old guy today

     I was asked to talk to fifth graders about the Civil War.  With the end of the school year coming fast, I was asked to do something out of the book so kids would be interested.
     I failed.
     I could have talked about boredom in camp and how men handled it.
     I could have talked about camp life.
     I could have talked about the Freeport soldier who said war was 90 per cent boredom and 10 percent shear terror.
     But I just droned on and on about Gettysburg.
     I gave them information, but they didn't get a sense of the magnitude of the battle, the cost in lives the Civil War exacted.
     If I had it to do over again, I would definitely do it differently.
     Boy, if I had a dime for every time I have said that, I'd be a multi millionaire.

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