Saturday, May 7, 2016

ironic, isn't it

I am building birdhouses this week

     Years ago we started doing mini courses a Tilton.  Fourth, fifth and sixth graders were given a list of classes they could take, with the hopes that the break would revitalize the learning curves.
     Things change, and now only fourth and fifth do it and it is later in the year, after testing.
     I have done birdhouses for the past 20 years or so.
     I have a house I use for a pattern.  Tomorrow I will use my power miter saw to cut the wood and put it in stacks, marking each stack so the kids don't get them confused.
     Monday the kids will sand and pre drill nail holes.  Tuesday they will sand and pre drill nail holes.       It takes a long time for kids to do the drilling.
     Wednesday and Thursday we will paint and build.
     Friday we will put the bottoms on, add the perch and hooks and send them home.
     This year I have 6 drill bits.....seems youngin's like to bend the drill when they are drilling, which breaks the bits.  I better pack a vice grips to pull out the broken bits.
     It really is a lot of fun.  Kids can do calligraphy, photography, sports, cooking..... a whole bunch of fun projects....and 8 of them chose bird houses.
     But I find it a little ironic that I, the guy who can't figure out how to nail two boards together, does a project involving a power saw,  drill, nails, hammer......and not lose any finger or eyes.
     I guess there really are miracles in our world!

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