Thursday, May 26, 2016

getting er done

My list of things to do is shrinking

     A big thank you to John for coming over and helping me do two projects tonight.  I made a thing for Jackie....can't explain, and I forgot to take a picture.  Maybe this weekend.
     We have a septic system.  That means there is a clean out tube somewhere between the tank and the house.
     Normally the landscaper cuts the tube down.
     For the past three years we have had a three foot white pipe sticking out of the yard.
     Every time I see the guy who installed the septic system he says, "You know, you can cut that pipe down and put the cap back on it."
     I had to mow around it, trim around it, walk around it...... but no more!  John brought his battery powered saws everything tool and we cut the sucker off.  Twice.  Now the lid rests about grass level.     Low enough to mow over, high enough to be found.
     I still have some planting to do.... and buying of plants to do.....and  I need to finish spreading the mulch, but my project list is diminishing.
     Funny, it took a wedding for me to get going!
     There is a right arm is killing me.  I had to clean the bathrooms left handed today.     Hopefully going easy on it for a few days will let the pain go away.
     And now good night, sleep tight....don't let the bedbugs bite.

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