Tuesday, May 10, 2016

the number is.....

I am not really sure how old I am

     Yes, I know it is my birthday tomorrow....but we celebrate birthdays weirdly.
     A child's first birthday comes at the end of their first year of life.  Now, I would think your first birthday is the day you were born, and all others are anniversaries of that birth.
     But we don't say happy anniversary, we say happy birthday.  Well, the French say bon anniversarie, or something like that....which may signify the fact that we are celebrating the anniversary, not the birth.
     So....I will be 68, but starting my 69th year of life.
     I'm not sure how I will be celebrating it yet......this cold/bronchitis/whatever just keeps hanging on and I don't always feel up to going out.
     Anyway, I go to bed tonight a young man, and awake tomorrow an old geezer.
     Or so I think.  I have actually been an old geezer since 1970.

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