Saturday, May 14, 2016

Opposites attract

I am 2-0 at Cubs games this year

     That is the total opposite of last year.  And I like it!
     Saw a great game today....pitching, hitting, friendship and the whole Wrigley experience.
     Last year the first 3 or 4 games we went to were losses.....that's not going to happen this year!
     And now some pictures.

Ok, you are right...this is not from the game.  This is in the post office at Southport and Irving.  It is a WPA mural and I remember going into the post office as a kid and being fascinated by it.  Here I am, 60 years later, still fascinated.

The other half

No better view in the world...well, maybe Switzerland.  Or France.  Or Dewey Lake.

This guy has the best view in the house....but work can get in the way!

Watching Gould singing the seventh.....

Bundled up

Hey, that's me

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