Friday, May 27, 2016

uh oh

I had some mental lapses today

     I am blaming this on the weather, not the aging process.
     When I got to the zoo today, I couldn't decide whether to take my sunglasses or my umbrella.  It looked like rain, but it looked like it might get sunny.
     After a few minutes of debate, I decided to take both.
     Then I got out of the car with neither.  Go figure.
     When I left the zoo, I had a  real scare.
     I got in my car, put the key in the ignition, opened the windows to get some cook air into my hot car and put the car in drive.
     I put it back in park and put it in drive again.
     So I tried reverse.
     The car would not move.
     It was at this point that I realized I never actually started the car, I just put the key in the ignition and turned it enough to roll down the windows.
     Once I got rolling, the day was fine.
     I even managed to pick up some frozen pizzas from Chicago's best pizza chain.  As I was leaving he store on Randall Road, I decided to go to a beverage shop, where I ended up buying 5 bottles of wine.
     Jackie does not know that part yet, but she will when she reads this.
     C'mon hon!  I deserve a break after all the work I have done this week!!
     I also found that bottles of Brunello wine are about $70 each... minimum.  Maybe it's time to go back to Tuscany and replenish my supply.........the five bottles I brought back are gone.
     But four of them were very, very good....and nowhere near the $70 price.

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