Sunday, May 8, 2016


Sometimes I just miss my mom

     She died in 2001, but sometimes it feels like last week.
     Just missing her today and thinking of all the times I wasn't there to take her out for dinner or bring her flowers.
     I do know we visited her a lot over the years, but it doesn't seem that way today.
     She could not keep a checkbook.  Every few months she would ask one of us to balance her checkbook.
     When she wrote checks, she rounded them off.  A $24.99 check would be listed as $20, and a $36 check would be listed as $40.  She would balance based on the estimates....and then snare one of the kids or grand kids to sit down and do an actual balance.
     We found it was just easier to close the account and move to a new bank.  I think we did that four or five times.
     Funny thing was, her rounded off balance was always pretty darn close to the actual balance.
     She took a lot of pictures....sometimes of groups of people from the nose down.  It wasn't intentional, she just wasn't good with an Instamatic.
     She saved every picture.  After she died, we were looking through the pictures and we found one of a man standing in front of her house in Leisure Village.
     On the back she had written, "Who the hell is this?"
     She always made me smile.
     And I miss that.  And her.
     To all the moms out there, bless you.

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