Friday, May 20, 2016


I went to Ikea today

     Remember my picture of the closet racks that were salvaged from Emily and John's tornado debris?
     Well, instead of using them as a giant tie rack, garden support, comb for a giant, hamster exercise thing or whatever else was suggested, I simply returned them to the store.
     No, I didn't get any money..... no receipt, plus the boxes looked like hell.  I just took them in said, I'd like to return these and left them.
     But I can't leave Ikea without looking around, so I checked out the outdoor planters, saw a display of Swedish meatballs, bought those and some lingenberries and  some cinnamon rolls.
     I think I may be the only person who goes there and only buys food.
     Actually, I did buy two seat cushions for Emily's porch furniture.....that she may not get  back.
     When I was checking out, the man in the lane next to me started screaming at the woman running the cash register.
     He was yelling, "I'm not going to pay a dollar for that.  I want my dollar back."
     She told him he had to go to customer service, and he yelled even louder.
     His last yell was. "You tell your manager I am never, ever coming in this store again!"
     It seems he was charged $1 for a shopping bag.  He didn't want to buy the bag, which I think his wife used to put in their stuff.  She, incidentally, just walked slowly away as he was screaming.
     He then took another bag, and left, but he threw that bag on the counter of the next check out lane.
     The young girl ringing me up was a little speechless.  As she ran my items through the scanner I said, "Please make sure there are no dollar charges on my bill."  She laughed.
     But I asked her why my bill was so high, and she showed me all my purchases.  Seems I forgot about the meatballs.  I told her the smell of the cinnamon rolls was ruining my focus.
     At least the racks are gone and will be used, somewhere.
     Ikea is surprising easy to get to from the I didn't go out of my way,  much.

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