Friday, May 6, 2016

slap me, please

I think I am living in a dream

     I have been a Cub fan for as long as I can remember.  I am having a hard time believing this team.
     They hit in clutch situations.
     They pitch.
     They catch.
     They run.
     They win.
     They laugh.
     They have fun.
     Please, pinch me, slap me, wake me up now.....because I am tired of the heart ache that June frequently brings to the Cubs.
     I do believe this is the year......but I said that last year.  And maybe the year before then.  And a couple of times in the early part of the 2000s.  And in the 90s.  And 80s.  And in '69, when I really thought this was the year.
     Leicester won in English soccer.  They have competed for 132 years and this month won their first ever league championship.
     If they can do it, the Cubs can do it.
     As Mr. C says, "Go Cubs.  Go.  Go Cubs. Go Cubs. Go."

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