Sunday, May 22, 2016

the weekend is over???

My days are like a blur lately

    I didn't even get to talk to Julia because I got back home too late.
     Church ran long, after the service we planted the garden.
     I bought two more plum pudding coral bells.  I can not say, or spell, the scientific name.  It sounds like mariachis but without the m.  Anyway, two of the ones I bought last year evidently are not plum puddings.  They stand out like sore thumbs and my recently active OCD causes me to sweat and twitch every time I walk past them.
    (I have a shower routine.  After I wash, I go back and wash my face and arm pits.  This morning I didn't do that......and it really bothered me.  So I took out the soap again and did it, making me feel fine.  And refreshed.  Plus, I smell nice.)
     I stopped at a big box store to buy two green pepper plants and a single tomato plant.  The line was huge at the checkout!  I imagine people are feeling safe to plant, now that it is 80 outside. But they didn't have any bell peppers, so I went to Big R in town and got some.
     Of course, they are still in my car.  It was hot!
     How hot was it??
    Well, Corki didn't want to walk the whole route.  We went down to the stop sign by Flagg Road, but when we got back to our house, she just went up the driveway.
     It was too hot to plant the garden.  It was too hot to ride my bike.  So I read the paper.
     I did get in a bike ride at 7 was beautiful.
     I even got dessert, as there were a lot of bugs out and I may have swallowed a couple.
     There was an old man who swallowed a spider......he swallowed the spider to catch the fly, but I don't know why, he swallowed the fly......... ever hear that song?
     Anyway, going to go out an see if I can see Mars.  And Saturn.
     But not Uranus.

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