Sunday, May 29, 2016

who is this guy?

I think I have become a grump

     Some idiot is setting off fire crackers and bottle rockets.  They are not even very good at it.
     Things like that drive me nutsy in my doddering old age.
     I hate the people who drive their ATVs down the street and through the fields.  I often find myself hoping they will get a flat tire or break a leg.  Really!  Same goes for idiots on their mini dirt bikes who race across land that is not theirs.
     And the loud motorcycles.... for gosh sake, get your mufflers fixed!
     I won't even start on the bommbidy boom from teenagers in cars trying to blow out their ear drums at an early age.
     I am getting tired of a society where everyone thinks it's ok to be loud and obnoxious.  Ok, maybe not everyone, but a large portion of people.
     It's days like this I wish I could buy and island in the middle of an ocean and only invite my close personal friends and relatives to live there with me.
     But they better be quiet and follow the rules.
     Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should do it.  Words to live by.

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