Thursday, May 12, 2016

dog days

We have had our dog 8 months now

     She almost has us trained.
     When she jumps up and down, we feed her.  Or we let her out.
     We have created a spot on the couch so she can watch tv with us.
     She has run of the house, except for the bedroom.  Well, someone does get a little weak when    Corki appears under the weather, sad, depressed, lonely, or abandoned.  So we leave the bedroom door open so Corki can sleep on the comfy bed.
     We succumb to her mourning routine of jumping up on the bed, getting belly rubs and head scratches.
     In the afternoon she just stares at me until I get her leash for our walk.  If we don't walk, she actually pouts and sometimes ignores me.
     She actually made us take her for a ride one day.  Then she sits on Jackie's lap.
     Yes, I did take her for a ride with me one day.  MK said I reminded her of all the other old men driving around in cars with a dog on their lap.
     She goes outside and barks until I go out to quiet her down, then she rolls over so I give her a belly rub, which is what she wanted in the first place.
      I'm glad we got the little girl.  She makes us happy.

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