Saturday, May 28, 2016

What happened?

Today was a pretty normal day

     I did not lose anything.  I remembered how to drive the car.  Worked on my tour project.  Volunteered at the museum for 5 hours.  Went out to eat.
     All pretty uneventful activities.
     That does not bode well for tomorrow.
     But...I did have a massive leg cramp.  My hammy knotted up and it was a good ten minutes before I stretched it out, under the advice of MK,
     It's bad when you get a cramp and you can't stand up.  And it just would not go away.  Hurt like heck.
     Anyway, it's ok now....and I hope it doesn't re cramp once I hit the bed.
     Which will be soon.
     Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams.

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