Thursday, May 19, 2016

no emperor, thankfully

I bought "an outfit" for the wedding

     First off, I am a guy and guys don't by outfits.  We buy clothes.
     Some of them are even not made out of denim and may go all the way to our ankles.
     Clothing for the wedding has been a topic of much discussion.
     I was originally going to wear a tuxedo t shirt and shorts, and while Emily and John were ok with that, someone else wasn't.
     So I shopped.
     And bought "an outfit."
     Now to me, outfit is the guys who run the illegal drugs and prostitution rings.  And they talk funny.
     Or it could be a polite way of saying I am too fat, as in, hey, my pants outfit me now....I better lose weight.
     I bought pants and a shirt.  No, it is not a bowling shirt, but you could go bowling with it on.  It's a nice dark blue shirt.  and it goes well with the natural linen type pants I  bought.
     I had thought about  wearing my favorite blue shirt, but we have discussed this several times also.  I don't think it should be ironed, she does not think it should be wrinkled.
     But summer is coming and we have to make a decision on that so I can be properly dressed for the reception.
     I think I read somewhere pants were optional.
     I'll probably get some flack on that.

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